7-21-13 Black Men vs White Men Which Is Better for the Modern Black Woman?

. 07/16/2013 . 16 Comments

5645283_sInterracial relationships have always occurred in the black community, though such unions primarily take place between black men and women of other races. However, over the past 15 years or so, black women are catching up! Black females are dating and marrying non-black men at greater numbers each year.

Though black women with white and other races of men is a growing trend, most black women still state a preference for marriage and children by black men. This desire is stymied by the reality that to have a black man generally means that the woman has “settled” in some major respect. Why? Because black men are falling further behind socially, economically, educationally en masse, and they tend to insist on a double sexual standard, female submission, and male dominance as a matter of course.

However, in spite of these glaring losses in stock value,  most black men still see themselves as a prize that every woman wants. “Everyone wants us, but nobody wants you!” is the taunt often levied at black females by black men both online and off.

So the questions must be asked:

  1. Are white and Asian and Latina women really chasing black men for marriage or just for the entertainment value? After all, dating someone is one thing – marrying and depending on that individually financially, emotionally and spiritually is quite another.
  2. Are black men up to the task of marriage and the responsibilities of being a husband and father?
  3. If a black woman wants marriage and a family of her own, is waiting on a black man the most sensible option, or should she broaden her horizons to include men of all ethnicities?
  4. Are black men truly “in demand” with women of other races, or are such thoughts the fantasies of delusional narcissists?

With all this to consider, could it be that black women really are better matched with white men?

Please join us on Sunday, July 21st, 2013 for what is sure to be a heated discussion! The call-in number is 347-327-9215.

We’ll get started at 6:30 p.m. PST/9:30 p.m. EST.


interracial dating interracial marriage black women with white men

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