How Do Relationships Become “Official” These Days?
The answer my dear lady is that most people are doing what I like to call “Free Styling”. They are behaving like a couple, but they never VERBALIZE together, the boundaries of the “situation”.
Sometimes, this is intentional, because where there are no established boundaries, there’s no accountability. A person in a situation like that, who believes they have been offended, really has no grounds to bitch, whine, moan and complain, because there were no standards established.
Sometimes, these “situations” can be so lopsided, because one person may really desire to establish a true commitment, while the other likes keeping things in “limbo”, neither here nor there. Those individuals desire all the rights and privileges of a serious relationship, but none of the responsibilities.
I have a saying:
"When you are dating someone, it ain’t serious, UNTIL it is DECLARED serious. It ain’t exclusive, UNTIL it is DECLARED exclusive. And if it is VIOLATED when DECLARED serious and exclusive, IT’S OVER!!"
So, in these situations, I advocate that someone initiate the dialogue that will establish definite boundaries for the relationship. It doesn’t matter if it is the man or woman. If you have been around this person for a while and you have gotten a grasp of their character, then it is acceptable and understandable to desire to understand what the arrangement is, both verbally and in action.
Having a clear understanding of both becomes the frame of reference you two can operate from.
Finally, there are those individuals that say they “don’t believe in labels." Those people are telling you what you already need to know. They are saying that basically that what you and they have does not deserve a label! You must decide which actions to take from that point with this person.
Category: Society and Culture