Will the Real Bitch and Ho Please Stand Up!

. 01/26/2013 . 0 Comments

By Shadid C. McDonald

Before I go into this article, let me first qualify that I am using the word “Man” in reference to what we define as male. I’m not using the word man in certain instances that describe the attributes of a real man. Also, note that this is a generalization meant only for a certain group of people with a certain mindset.

black men blame black women point finger of blame at black women


As of late I have been tuning into radio broadcasts, FB groups, blogs and other media sources, as well as talking to my friends about a growing trend among black males. There isn’t a place you cannot go and not

run into conversations about who is to blame about the condition of the majority of black people in the United States. Me myself, I have a non-traditional, contrarian view on this subject matter, which I will qualify here in this article.

The following statements and assessment by me, will surely rub many people the wrong away and be looked upon as controversial and not valid. My goal is to get people to think critically, not emotionally.

The Destructive Black Man

There is a growing segment of black men in this country who feel it is their divine right and prerogative to degrade and beat down black women. Along with this destructive and divisive attitude, these same men (and I use that terminology loosely) have been blaming black women for every social ill afflicting our community.

What’s even more disturbing is the fact that men who know better and have a contrasting view, refuse to engage these punks!

This isn’t a new phenomenon, this mindset has been around for centuries and is the root cause of our current condition. When the mighty of men sit back and allow tyrants and the weaker of their kind to have a voice and rule, the decline and death of a people, is not far in the future.

With rappers such as Lil Wayne, TI, Jeezy and an endless list of other minions, degrading the black woman has gone main stream! The Al Shaptons, Jesse Jacksons, Christian ministers, Muslim Imams, or big wig “conscious” folks, have yet to seriously address those issues.

The black woman has been called a bitch and a ho so much that now she uses it to describe herself! Black men have been very subtle in the way they have been systematically destroying the self esteem of their own women, while working lock in step with the same white man who they claim to despise. Isn’t it ironic?

Let’s take a historical look at the black man and the role he has played historically in the destruction of all things African, including its people.

But before we do that, we must first qualify a few things logically. We must ask questions and these are the question to ask:

1. Is or was the black man the strongest man on earth at one time?
2. Is the black man the oldest man on earth?
3. Did the black man have the most advance and oldest civilizations on earth?
4. Was the black man in charge of the security of his family, tribe and people?
5. Was the black man the most intelligent man on earth at one time?

Answers follow.

(continued on page two below)


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