African American baby boy adopted and loved by young white couple
I saw the most beautiful thing on my way home today. I was walking in the village and I passed by three young caucasian ladies walking and one was pushing a baby carriage, I briefly glanced inside the carriage as I passed them and saw a little brown baby boy kicking and laughing. The baby looked to be about 8 or 9 months old. Not wanting to stare or ask questions but obviously curious, I continued to walk on down the sidewalk ahead ot them. When I got to the stop light, I saw the ladies just behind me waiting to cross the street as well. (My ‘southerness’ came out and I just had to be nosy) and asked the lady pushing the carriage, ‘Is that your baby?’ She beamed and said yes. She adopted him. The little baby boy was adorable!
So I’m waiting to hear her say she adopted him from Africa or some other country. But no! She adopted him from right here in the US! She said when she and her husband applied to adopt, they told the agency that race didn’t matter to them and right away the agency told them they were getting a little African American baby boy. She said they saw him when he was only 12 hours old and had they papers ready and everything but the bio mother kept changing her mind. She said the mother was in and out of jail. When she got out of jail she wanted to keep her baby and she could understand that. But after some time, the adoption finally went through.
The mother said this little boy is going to grow up with a lot of love. She said the baby’s maternal grandmother is a huge part of their lives and in fact is coming to visit them along with another relative of the baby’s biological family. She says she talks to the grandmother all of the time and has Grandmother’s full support. Unfortunately the bio mother is back in jail. Tears started running down my cheeks as she told me this story. I hugged her and she and her two friends teared up too. I was just so overcome. She said she knew that a lot of black babies get passed over for adoption in the states and that this little boy was the best thing that has happened to her family.
I am so happy for that baby boy! He has a chance he would probably never have had otherwise. He is not going to become a ‘statistic!’ He has a chance to become a productive citizen in this country. This has made my day and I will carry this memory with me a long time. The whole time we were talking that little baby was just giggling and kicking his legs, he looked so happy! This is a young Black man that may be able to grow up and break the cycle of judging women in an unloving way because he has been so loved himself.
Category: Miscellaneous
I don’t see the big deal. We were god parents who adopted and raised a little set of twins, boy and girl, 14 years ago because my best friend made me fairy God mom
just in case something happened to her. Well she died and I adopted her twins that SHE adopted from an adoption agency. Blax people can be just as unaccepting as white people. Well needless to say I love my twins like I love my biological children. My son for some reason came out looking white and Asian, even tho I and his dad are just light skin black people who don’t look Asian. That’s like me saying it’s amazing or shocking for me to love my white looking son because of his skin color is different than ours? He looks nothing like us. Skin color means nothing at the end of the day.
thats not unusual—i know a pastor of a large church that adopted a little black girl that is 4 years old… they learned how to do her hair and everything….i believe these kids are gonna be fine….i also know many who homeschool all of their kids until 18..that would be preferable…theyll miss the ‘trauma’ as well. I have a cousin who is graduating next year at 17, from junior college not highschool because she was homeschooled since the beginning she even made some money on the side tutoring older kids… her older sister is married at 22 this year
Wow, this is amazing. You basically spoke about my life!! I’m just still in shock that they accepted a Black baby boy. I wish them luck!! It’s a tough row to hoe!! I really don’t want to say anything negative but seeing as how I’ve lived through that situation being adopted interacially I hope he maintains that joy he has now as a baby but I doubt it!!! He’ll probably go to school and be exposed to all sorts of trauma about his living situation. I didn’t experience that sort of trauma because I lived in a progressive town BUT I did experience trauma at not being accepted by certain relatives. For example, the biological child would get invited to family events but me, the obviously Black one would not. I could write a book. I hope you’re right!!! But I have my doubts. Unless they shield him from the negativity he could grow up being very angry indeed!!! Hopefully his grandmother will help combat that negativity.