Becoming The Man Women Want

. 07/05/2009 . 0 Comments


On Wednesday, July 8th at 7:00 p.m. (Pacific), I’m scheduled to interview Elliott Katz, the author of “Being The Strong Man a Woman Wants: Timeless Wisdom on Being a Man,” and Brenda Della Casa, author of “Cinderella Was a Liar!”  They will be my guests on The Sucka Free Dating Talk Show on the BlogTalkRadio Network, discussing the modern man, the man’s man, and the combination of both that modern women are looking for.

Women are frustrated and angry with men; men are confused about what modern women want and long for a return to “the good old days” when the male role was well-defined.

How can women adjust their Fairy Tale expectations of Happily Ever After with the reality of who and what men are?

How can men adjust their caveman idea of “a man’s man” while still demonstrating strength and leadership so that his modern woman admires and respects him?

If you’re confused about gender roles and how to meet the needs of the opposite sex so you can create a happy, rewarding relationship for yourself and your partner, this is the show for you! Elliott Katz author of Being the Strong Man a Woman Wants

Elliott Katz provides practical, wise, common sense guidance on what men must do to create a successful relationship and marriage.  From the perspective of a grandfather married for 50 years, the book shares insight into leadership, being manly, and being a hero. Women both want and need to admire and look up to men… for men to be strong and to take responsibility. This book helps men who find themselves stuck in outmoded conceptions of masculinity – including both the old fashioned “man’s man” and the feminized male of recent decades.   

Brenda Della Casa feels that women need to stop waiting for a man to swoop in and white-wash their lives and accept that they have the power to create their own “happily ever after.”  The more women appreciate themselves, the more attractive they will become to others and the less likely they will be to hop into the sack or a relationship with the first guy who calls for a second date! Women must also lose the “us vs. them” approach to romance and realize that men are not from another planet, nor are they all out to use, abuse and cheat on the women in their lives. “There are very decent men out there who want the same things decent women want – love, support, encouragement, attraction, acceptance and happiness with a partner who understands and appreciates them.”

We welcome the contribution of ideas and experiences from listeners during the broadcast; listeners are invited to call 347-327-9215 during the show  to share their thoughts and feelings about modern gender roles, relationship conflicts, and relationship expectations. 





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Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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