Beware of the Misogynist Hidden in ‘Advice Guru’ Sheep’s Clothing

. 07/12/2010 . 32 Comments

“Child support has been the superficial consequence of the unwanted pregnancies (by men). The more permanent and subsequent result has been dysfunctional relationships between these men and the child; oddly enough in these cases the ones without input. More importantly, child support doesn’t tuck kids in bed, play catch, or make recitals- these things are important to the child.” ~Greg Sqwyd Doss~

This is an interesting thread discussion I’ve had with Greg Sqwyd Doss. His mantra is: Blame the black woman for the demise of the black community; blame the black woman for sexual promiscuity and single parent homes; blame the black woman for fatherless children; blame the black woman for court mandated child support. In fact blame the black woman for everything negative he can think of when it comes to relations between the black woman and black man.

He has admitted to sleeping with 300 women. He is now married. (Not sure what type of woman married him). He has a radio show that he uses as his public address system to spew negative vomit against black women usually focused around one or more of those ‘blaming mantras’. He is dangerous because he styles himself (like his good buddy Alan Roger Currie) as someone who can offer advice to black women because he was/is a playa so he knows what to tell women about what to avoid, the pitfalls to look out for and the games men play with women because he’s played them all.

Here is an example of one of his show topics:

Who’s Child Is It Anyway? Why is the father absent, Mom?

Today’s show will address the recent speech given by Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama at the Apostolic Church of God in which he condemned absentee fathers. However, he never addressed the irresponsible nor any other possible factors that may contribute to father absenteeism.”

He ran another show about women’s promiscuity concerning a videotape of Kendra Wikinson.

(I wonder if he watched it).


“Kendra’s sex tape came out on May 26, 2010 and she is pleading with fans to let her live her life and not judge her for a choice she made when she was 18 years old. So many young people today engage in activities that they KNOW the greater society abhors, but yet expects there not to be a negative reaction warranted upon discovery.”

Things that Make you go Hmm.

How can a guy who has demonstrated rampant promiscuous sexual behavior have legitimacy in chastising women on their sexual behavior? How can a guy who has slept with multiple women call a woman who has slept with a guy trifling? He wouldn’t  have even known about her past sexual history if the videotape wasn’t out there, but that’s one guy from her past that he knows about, meanwhile he’s slept with 300 women! (Just not documented on videotape that we know about.)

I asked him some probing questions because while he openly admits to sleeping with 300 women he doesn’t really talk about much else.  Reading his answers makes me wonder if he isn’t taking his personal woes out on the rest of the women in the way damaged angry men do when they perceive some woman has ‘done them wrong’.

Beware Ladies:

I wanted to write this to warn women to beware of these ‘self styled advice giving wanna be gurus’. They are not here to empower, support, educate or uplift women. They create a platform for themselves which allows them to spill their vitriolic hatred towards all women because of what they’ve dealt with in their own personal lives.

It’s not healthy and they would be better off seeking professional therapy for the anger that they’ve never coped with, instead of seeking to get validation from women who naively think  that these guys are motivated to ‘help them’ by giving advice. (Translation: Telling women how ‘they’ think women ought to behave based on their double standards). His obvious contempt for women makes him a charlatan and the last person that any woman should be listening to for advice about what to do or the pitfalls to avoid.

Women would be better off using their own powers of discernment when dealing with guys, instead of blindly listening to what some guy said simply because he has a mike, a platform and a following.  And women most definitely don’t need to listen to a guy who by his own admission couldn’t care less about the women he slept with because all he wanted to do was sex them up.

Even if this guy is no longer doing that, the fact that he made that choice 300 times, his lack of decency, his emotional detachment, his treatment of women as sexual objects, and his ongoing contemptuous attitude and mindset  of belittling women is enough to give any woman pause before she listens to what comes out of his mouth.  Most of the time, guys don’t know what they are talking about anyway when it comes to women’s issues and any so called advice they would have, most likely would have a negative slant aimed at putting down the woman and holding her accountable meanwhile elevating the man and giving him a pass.

Notice his attack on me because I asked him probing questions.  He resents the questions, and gives incomplete terse answers. He doesn’t elaborate at all, but one can gather from his answers that in his sexual conquest of 300 women, he didn’t practice safe sex consistently and plenty of babies could have resulted. In fact he admitted to having an out of wedlock baby and could have had more than one.  He didn’t give a damn about the emotional state of the women he was sleeping with, he was out to ‘get his’.  Just because you let someone know upfront that you are engaging in ‘doggish behavior doesn’t give you a pass for going there (300xs) in the first place.

However  for a guy who is supposed to be helping women make the right sexual choices with his advice, and be better for society for the ‘fatherless children’ he talks about, he is quick to attack like a snake and be defensive against, a woman who asks him ‘relevant questions about ‘himself.  Why is his tone one filled with disdain and contempt? Shouldn’t he be held accountable for his stance? Shouldn’t he be questioned and examined so that the very women he is advising can see for themselves if he has ‘lived’ the exemplary life which he so passionately advocates women ought to be living? Read his answers and see for yourself.

The Q and A:

  • Having slept with 300 women and exhibited sexual promiscuity yourself, what did you do to prevent unwanted pregnancies?
    • Greg wrote: Condoms or not… asked before I leaped.”

  • Do you have any OOW babies?
    • Greg wrote “yes’ (OOW out of wedlock babies)
  • Do you know if any of the multiple women you slept with had abortions or took the morning after pill?
    • Greg wrote: “no… don’t care.. not my problem, made my intentions clear before fucking.”

  • For someone so passionate about the effects of single parents, fatherless kids, child support and the impact in the community what made you exhibit such wild sexually promiscuous behavior towards women in the first place?
    • Greg wrote: “no… don’t care.. not my problem, made my intentions clear before fucking”

  • Weren’t you afraid of getting a woman knocked up since no birth control is 100% full proof unless you have a vasectomy?
    • Greg wrote: Sometimes yes sometimes No…

  • Did you have a vasectomy since you willingly engaged in sexing up 300 women?
    • Greg answer “No”
  • What makes you legit to lecture others about sexual responsibility, community, out of wedlock fatherless kids, when you exhibited the very behaviors that you are now up in here talking against?
    • Greg wrote: “Because I’ve been there and done that”
  • Wouldn’t women be better off listening to men who didn’t travel down the path you traveled in the first place? Men who were not sexing up 300 women like a harem?
    • Greg wrote they would be better off listening period taking sound advice.. more so than just loud advice from women such as yourself. “without a man but really wanting one… wishing you hadn’t done what you did to insure you would remain lonely A woman of your age whose out of the real relationship loop and wanting company with your cats and at your age probably incapable of having children. The advice I’d give men and women wanting a meaningful relationship is to seek advice from someone who has success in marriage. Are you married, how many men have been in you? Do you have children (does this coincide with the women you give advice), why haven’t you found the man from another race who will treat you so well. Again make the forum, or slither back into the abyss.

(This last comment after the verbal personal attack, ‘ Again make the forum’ is his request to Deborrah Cooper to invite him onto her show so he can give ‘his relationship expertise on women’).

Greg wrote: “I will grant this to you or whomever (Deborrah, too), create the venue, and I’ll come on. Invite whoever you need to listen in, I don’t hide and you know where to find me.’

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Music lover living on the East Coast that enjoys spending time with close friends, reading and writing.

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