When Fun Turns into Sexual Assault a Good Time is Not Had by All

. 07/25/2012 . 0 Comments


Why Do Black Men and Women Side With Rapists and Abusers?

From Eddie Long to Creflo Dollar, from Kobe Bryant to Mike Tyson, from Tom Payne to Ruben Patterson:  When black men are accused of criminal acts or sexual assaults, black men and many times black women as well, will defend the attacker. Black folks love to blame the victim for her (or in the case of Eddie Long ‘his’) victimization. To illustrate my point, I’ve included comments posted beneath the Williams story, gleaned from various blogs and social media sites around the web.  I know these individuals are Black because I only included responses posted by those with their photo, clearly indicating their race.

Some of the responses will be very disturbing to anyone with a personal history of molestation or rape, or who has close ties to a sexual assault victim, so let me warn you before you read on. If you are sensitive to this type of subject matter, I suggest you skip to page 3 right now.

The representative posts from black men and women on the Darrell Williams sexual assault and rape case convictions are set out below:

Male:  Just about any woman can send any man to prison simply by alleging that she was raped. Drunken tramps at a house party. Case dismissed.

Female:  Our black Young men have not learned about these nasty low down women who are sent by satan to set them up.  College is not only about partying you are there to get an education. I will be praying  for him that justice will prevail and that he gives his life to JESUS!

Male:  From what I read in this article it sounds as if the only thing that was raped was this brother’s freedom.

Female: I’m so sick of these how these false rape verdicts are reached with little to no physical evidence. How is that admissible in one type of case but no in any others? These clown team prosecutors have ruined a young man’s life because of hearsay. These women waited over 1 friggin year to say anything – were they drunk? high? And had regrets of participating in morally loose acts after they had willing imbibed substances to lose their inhibitions and free themselves from any accountability? Perhaps the women regretted what they had done, which is natural but this could not possibly have warranted a rape conviction. This is despicable!

Male: From reading this article, this situation could happen to any man on a date with a female. How do you get around having consensual sex with a female, then she leaves your house or you leave hers, then she tears some of her clothes and reports the man as raping her. I truly believe if Kobe had not had the financial means that he does he would be sitting in a Colorado prison to this day.

Female:  The Black community has turned into a rape friendly culture. Your words and actions tell Black girls everywhere that they don’t have the right to their bodies and if some pig violates their persons, she will be accused of being a liar and trying to tear down the poor black male victim. I wonder how many men in this comments section have sexually abused a woman they’ve encountered.

Male: At this point I’m not comfortable convicting any man based on the word of a woman. There are two many gray areas to take away a man’s freedom for decades. And let’s start printing the names of accusers. If you feel that strongly about the crime stand up and be heard.

Female: Her mother should have taught her not to be flirty or fast with men.

Male: Just about any woman can send any man to prison simply by alleging that she was raped. Drunken tramps at a house party. Case dismissed.

Female:  If she was dragged in the yard and into the basement wouldn’t their be a bruise, cut, scratch, or something? Plus, if a man with humongous, freakishly large hands groped you, you should have some kind of physical markings, right?

Male:  How ignorant is Jill Tontz the DA..she obviously has a grudge against athletes. She know damn well there is no evidence against Darryll.What happen DA when u were in college no athlete wanted to date you? Tell those stupid ass drunk white women to stop going to parties and getting pissy drunk..They get away from their parents and get really wild then want to cry and complain when something happen to their dumb ignorant ass.. They were so drunk they don’t know who it was.. Knowing the police in Oklahoma they probably coerce them to blame Darryl. No athlete need to or have to rape a girl. Especially an athlete on scholarship, Jill Tontz you are a really ignorant DA.

Female:  Could have been a vendetta since, no clothes were torn, no scratches were found. If so I hope they burn in hell.

Male: Its unfortunate what has happened to this young man and I wish it didn’t happen provided he didn’t do it.Now I have read this article like all of you did and I have not seen any where in this article where it said it was two white women who were groped or this young man reached inside two white girls pants. Many readers of this article are jumping to conclusions because none of us were there to know what really happened.How do we know it wasn’t two African American young ladies who brought these charges? Its established that there were no scratches,no bruising and no torn clothes.I hope this young man can get a retrial and the truth comes out and those who lied will be the ones going to jail. I would have think this is being at the wrong place at the wrong time.I also didn’t see in this article anything about some stupid ass white boy because again we are jumping to conclusions without facts. This young man was ill prepared for the college life and what the plus sides of college life and the con side of college life. What ever happened at that party,I hope some one with a conscience who really knows what happened comes forward and tell the truth. Now we as readers of this article need to not read to much into this article and jump to many unfounded conclusions and pray for this young man to hope he gets justice.

Female: I feel really bad….I am wondering whether he’s guilty or not because of the charges that were pinned against another man and it was later discovered that he never did anything to the girl who accused him. I am worried that he may very well be innocent.

Male:  These young men who are seeking a professional athletic career in basketball, football, baseball, etc. need to look and learn from past individuals who’s lives were ruined after making bad decisions especially young black men who are being targeted by these women who set out entrap them for personal financial gain. It pains me to see these young men go down as a result of there decision they have made whether if there innocent or not.

Female: It’s sad how our society teaches women not to get raped, but no one tells men not to rape or put themselves in situations where they could be accused of rape and other sexual misconduct.


(continued on page three below)


Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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