Black Feminism and The Black Men’s Rights Movement

. 08/18/2010 . 22 Comments


Let The Shit Fly

The guest led off the interview by expressing his belief that the Black woman has failed to address the needs of Black men, especially her own sons. He provided no statistics or facts to back up his rather brash statement. Nor did he elaborate on which needs men have that Black women failed to address. But he didn’t need to. The words alone were like throwing gasoline on an already burning fire. The statement of failure was enough to start the finger pointing and blaming of callers, which proceeded unabated throughout the two hour show.

Sadly, this immature blaming-style behavior pattern is one I’ve become all too familiar with over the past year.

I continued to listen as he railed on, stating that “all hell broke loose” in America when the 1970s feminist movement came into being. His opinion was that each and every dysfunction in the Black community, the collapse of every institution (such as our churches, schools, families and communities), was due to the distortion of gender roles brought about by feminists. He felt Gloria Steinem’s statement: “a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle” was a declaration of gender war.

Let me stop here and interject my thoughts.

When the honorable guest spoke of what Black women failed to do for young Black men, I wondered where the Black fathers, the Black uncles, and the Black grandfathers were in this equation. I mean, on one hand women are angrily charged with failure when we TRY to raise a young Black man.

We’re told “a woman cannot raise a boy into a man!” But we try valiantly anyway, since Dad is nowhere around. What is a woman supposed to do when Dad prefers his crack pipe, his White woman, or his boyz to the day to day responsibility of his son’s psyche and success in life?

“This is where Black women have failed!” he shouted. “Black women are not raising their sons into good Black men!”

From what I’ve seen, women try hard to fill in the emptiness that trifling Brothas left in their children’s lives. Women sacrifice and overgive to their children to try to make up for what they aren’t getting from their fathers.

Yet, the manner in which our society is structured provides these men the privilege of sitting on their butts and doing nothing for their children themselves. Men believe they have the right to criticize what women TRY to do!

The fact that women are doing SOMETHING while these irresponsible Brothas do NOTHING seemed to have escaped him.

Feminism and the Myth of the Happy, Apron-Wearing Housewife

Feminism and the Myth of the Happy, Apron-Wearing Housewife

This same gentleman looked back fondly on the 1970s. The host asked him “what is it that you miss about the 1970s?” The guest responded that he missed that time, a time when “women took pride in wearing an apron, cooking, and being traditional stay at home housewives.” After all, there is no place like home.

I laughed out loud. Hey, I was alive and kickin’ it hard in the 1970s. I remember looking at the faces of my aunts, older cousins, neighbors, and even my own mother every day, and I can honestly say I don’t know any woman that took pride in that drudgery!

Women were just trained to not expect anything more for themselves, and being a wife and mother was ALL that women were expected to be, to do, to achieve. Even college educated women that could have contributed a great deal to our culture and society were silenced by the weight of the patriarchy which mandated that they stay at his home all day, raise his babies, have his dinner on the table at 6:00 p.m. sharp, and hot sex on a platter for him at 10:30.

Women were depressed, miserable, lonely and unfulfilled, but men somehow failed to see that. As long as their needs were being met and their fantasies fulfilled, they were happy. You don’t believe that being at home with children all day is stressful, anxiety provoking and unrewarding? Just look at Andrea Yates as a perfect example of the baby breeding, pot scrubbing chokehold society has on “traditional” women.


(continued on page 3 below)

12 Votes


Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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