Black Women, Relationships and Growing Up Without a Dad
This video discusses the often-stated belief by Black men that Black females are obligated to play certain specific and rigid roles in relationships. The gentleman that made the original video are of the mind that Black women growing up without a father have no idea about how to be submissive and allow a man to be the designated leader of the household and family. They believed that a woman growing up with a father would learn that she would learn the role that “a real man” plays and to “shut up because its not your place to talk” from her Daddy.
They also complained that Black women are too independent and need to still “let a nigga be a nigga!” They believe that modern hip hop music is affecting women, that female empowerment songs have women all f’d up in the head. They also complain that Black women try to be your girl and your mother at the same time. Women only slide into a mother role when men behave in childish, indecisive or irresponsible ways. Sorry fellas, YOU LOSE!
Click to listen to my thoughts on the subject.
Category: Society and Culture
I have my father and he would disown me if I tried to bring men like that home.