Can Geek Girls Ever Get a Date?

. 10/23/2012 . 1 Comment

Single male geeks get a lot of sympathy and support for their dating woes and lack of female attention. Even player types of guys get tired of the fast track and seek to marry and settle down. With the vast numbers of single women in the world, how is it that a single black male can say he is having a problem finding a suitable mate?

Could it be that these men are still overlooking the geek girls from high school and college that were shy, quiet and studious? Could it be that there are millions of good single black women that just weren’t popular and didn’t have The Body, so males gave them no attention?

Why is it that we as a community always give a voice to black male “nerds” who can’t get a woman and are late bloomers, however we never do the same for the quirky geek  girls who are also late bloomers!

Who do black geek girls marry? How do they end up navigating the dating world? Let’s talk about it!


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