Survey on Sexual Abuse of Children in the Black Community

. 11/26/2011 . 3 Comments

Click here to take the surveyFrom Saturday, November 26, 2011 to December 31, 2014 , we will be running a short survey to collect data on the types, frequency and perpetrators of sexual assaults against children and teens  in the African American community.

Within the last few years we have witnessed dozens of news reports detailing the sexual assaults on Black youths (both male and female) by male pedophiles. Most of the accused perpetrators have been trusted and influential members of the community – people that no one suspected of being a danger to children.

Yet, statistics on the sexual assaults of children under the age of 18 are shocking and deeply disturbing; 90% of such attacks on children are by people they love and trust.

From victim reports, it appears that there is at least one such pedophile in every Black family, and sadly, most have more than one.  An inappropriate word into the ear of a young girl about her body when no one is around; an inappropriate touch of her developing body under the guise of giving her a hug; slipping onto a young boy’s bedroom at night to do unspeakable things when the child’s protector is sound asleep…  these and dozens of other tricks are used by pedophiles to slyly abuse children all over the country.

Why is it that sex trafficking, molestation, rape, and prostitution of children has become commonplace in the Black community? The majority of these crimes by Black men against Black children are being tolerated and seemingly accepted, with the focus on protecting the family image and thus the assailant instead of the child victim(s) . We only have to look at how many 12, 13 and 14 year old girls are raped and impregnated by men that are statistically at least 6 years older than they are to see how widespread this problem is.

This landmark survey on sexual abuse in the Black community has been a long time in the making. All responses in this multiple choice survey are completely anonymous, and no personally identifying information is required nor requested.  An essay question concludes the survey, providing you with the opportunity to share more details of your experiences with child sexual abuse. If you would like to be contacted for a personal interview early next year, the essay box would be the place to give your contact information.

To contact Deborrah Cooper for an interview on this survey, please call 510-863-0320 or use the Contact Us submission form.

Thank you for your interest and participation. We encourage you to forward this link to professional therapists, educators, church leaders, friends and family, sorors or classmates that you think would like to participate in the Childhood Sexual Abuse Survey of 2012.

As you go through the survey, you may SKIP OVER any question not marked with an asterisk (*) and advance to the next question. There are a total of 30 questions in the survey.


Click here to take the survey

Putting together the pieces of the child sexual abuse puzzle. Click to take the survey.

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