Most men are natural hunters, and will pursue the woman of their dreams with a single minded fervor that is unwavering. Every man I’ve ever met believes he has what it takes to win a woman over, in spite of her assertions that she is only mildly interested if at all. But what happens when the woman of his dreams sees him as the Freddie Kruger of her nightmares?
Because women are trained from birth to be polite and not hurt people’s feelings, much of what women say is transmuted via non-verbal communication. Men don’t always understand subtlety or body language however, which means women “speak” in a manner that the unaware man won’t get. This article is designed to make you aware of when a woman is communicating that she’s just not that into you.
As the self-appointed translator of Womanese into Manspeak, take a read and see if any of these “get lost buddy” behaviors have recently been demonstrated by a female love interest. If so, prepare yourself… your dream of happily ever after is about to crash and burn.
(Use your scroll wheel or left/right arrows to advance through the slides)
- Fuk You Noodle Bar?
Fuk You Noodle Bar?
She gave you the wrong phone number. Though she was giving you the short answers and only half listening to yours, you thought she was hot and wanted to get together again. She didn’t respond immediately… it was almost as if she didn’t hear you.
The fourth time you asked, she said “okay, okay” with slight irritation in her voice. You kept pressing for a phone number anyway. So she gave you one!
- I've Got It, Thanks
I've Got It, Thanks
She insists on going Dutch. When you initiated the date, it was understood that you were tak
ing her out to lunch. However, when the bill came she pulled out a $20 and said she was happy to pay for herself. Some guys would be thrilled and think they got off the hook and have a modern woman that will pay her own way. What they don’t understand is this is a clear signal that she doesn’t want you to feel had or used financially in any way now that she has discovered that you are not her cup of tea. She will seek to block any ideas of ownership you may have, and to curtail development of any emotional connection. Establishing boundaries with regards to male “caretaking” behaviors is mandatory in such situations.
- Dead Phone Syndrome
Dead Phone Syndrome
After a couple of phone conversations and maybe even a date or two, you text and ask her to contact you. Your goal is to set something up for next weekend. But she doesn’t text you back.
If she does text, it’s a one or two word response – just enough to give you an answer but nothing specifically endearing. She doesn't say "yes" to a date either. If she is nice enough to respond at all, you must remember, she’s just being polite.
- No Thanks
Aww, You Shouldn't Have!
She refuses to accept gifts or favors from you. This is the boundaries and “male caretaking gestures” issue again. A woman that isn't interested in you and wants to back you up is not going to accept a stick of gum, a box of candy, a drink at the bar, even flowers on her birthday; she doesn’t want you to fix her tire, drive her to the airport, or mow her lawn – she wants nothing from you.
When you show up with a surprise and she says “you shouldn’t have,” she really means it.
- Do Not Answer
Do NOT Answer!
You’re caught in caller I.D. hell. You know it’s the right number… you recognize her voice on the greeting! Yet you can never reach her by phone. She's harder to catch up with than Osama Bin Ladin. Understand that caller I.D. is the best thing in the world for single women, and one that we judiciously use to screen creepy unwanted guys from our world. If she never picks up your call, it means you’ve been screened right out of the picture dude.
- You're an Untouchable
Elliott Ness, The Untouchables and You
She talks to you, but won’t kiss or hug or hold hands. You find her very attractive and feel the urge to get touchy-feely and romantic. She, however, keeps a minimum of 15” between you at all times.
She also keeps a tight grip on her handbag so you can’t possibly try to hold her hand. She announces several times that she doesn’t believe in kissing on the first date. You’ve been put in The Friend Zone dude, and you are never coming out.
- You're Not The One
You're Not THE ONE
You initially met when out with groups of your friends. Though she danced and laughed with your buddy Rick more than she did you, you found a way to keep yourself in the game by joining them at the bar for a cozy three-some. You insisted on buying her drinks when she told you she already had one. You even coaxed her into dancing with you when you could see she was tired and sweaty from dancing with Rick. She gave you her number at the end of the evening when you asked for it, but she didn’t ask you to call her. When you did call a couple of days later, she didn’t want to know much about you. But she was full of questions about Rick.
- Have to Wash My Hair
I'm Washing My Hair That Night
She hesitates when you ask her out or gives an excuse for why she's busy. Now there are some valid reasons she might have such as a school or work deadline that would prevent her from saying “yes,” but a woman that is interested will ask for a rain check and explain WHY she is unavailable. She may also provide an alternate date to see if that is okay with your schedule.
But if she just says “I’ll have to see” or “hmmmm” while looking down at the floor or the wall, it means she isn’t really interested. She’s hesitating because she’s trying to figure out a polite way to break the news to you that its never going to happen. Not in 50 bazillion years. No how, no way.
- 40 Second Phone Calls
40 Second Phone Calls
Every single time you call, she can’t talk right now. Her cell phone battery is about to die. She was just on her way out the door to get in the car and doesn’t have her Bluetooth headset so she can't drive and talk to you at the same time. She has shampoo in her hair and now its getting in her eyes. Her mother is on the other line and its long distance and she can't keep her waiting. Actually, she was just about to call her boss when you called. She’ll have to call you back. But she never does.
She's actually wondering when you are going to get a clue and stop calling.
- Her Mind is Elsewhere
Her Mind is Elsewhere
She’s not paying much attention and sounds distracted. You’re chatting on and on excitedly about your day, your life, your thoughts. Her contribution to the conversation consists of occasional cavewoman grunts. If you are face to face, she is looking everywhere but at you, doing all she can to avoid eye contact. She’s not laughing at your jokes, and is giving one word answers (if that) to your questions. A woman interested in getting to know a new guy hangs onto his every word and laughs at his stupid jokes even if they aren’t funny. She’s trying to be polite and not hurt your feelings. But if she’s not really THERE with you, take it as a sign that her mind is somewhere else, just like you should be.
The ins and outs of dating can be challenging, no argument there. But beginning a new romance can be a lot less challenging if men would learn to recognize the signs women give off when they are not interested in you “like that.”
Some guys will take the friendship she may offer, secretly looking for a way in down the road. Don’t do it! When she finds out you played a covert game of manipulation she won’t trust you, and you’ll get the boot anyway.
Sometimes a woman’s lack of interest is obvious to your friends, your family, even Stevie Wonder… everyone can see that she’s not interested BUT you! But using this list as a guideline can help you confused men get clear on where you stand with women. That way you’ll know if her “on the fence” interest can be swayed in your favor, or if trying to get with her is a waste of time.
Tags: dating tips for men, does she like me, fear of rejection, male female communication, relationship advice for men, she's just not that into you, top 10 list
Category: Men's Issues