Disgusting List of Blacks Killed by Police 2014-Present

. 05/01/2015 . 2 Comments

The names on this list of blacks killed by police were extracted from Killed By Police (www.killedbypolice.net), and is current as of 4:54 pm Friday May 1, 2015.

No judgment on the actions of the people in custody that some would use to justify their deaths is being passed here; this list makes no assessment of anyone’s guilt or innocence, and is not the least bit concerned with any “crime” which may or may not have allegedly been committed.

What this list does is set out the names and ages of the hundreds of black men and women which were knowingly killed in police custody or at the hands of law enforcement officers in the United States from January 2014 through today. Kimani Gray killed by NYC cops

Note that this list does not include black men and women like Trayvon Martin or Jordan Davis, whose assassinations by white civilians were defended in a court of law under “stand your ground” laws.

This list also excludes dozens of questionable deaths over the past 18 months – like Otis Byrd, found hanging from a tree in the woods 15 feet above the ground with no chair in sight, or Lennon Lacy who was found hanging from a swing set in North Carolina in what looks like a lynching, or Renisha McBride, whose white male murderer was sentenced to prison for shooting her at point blank range outside his door when she knocked seeking help. renisha Mcbride murder

The list also excludes cases listed on killedbypolice.net that do not show photos of the deceased, so the race of the victim could not be easily determined. Some of those could also be black.

Nor does the list include dozens of murders at the hands of police around the country prior to 2014 – like 16 year old Kimani Gray, gunned down by New York cops as he left a party.


Because the #blacklivesmatter movement, established in response to police murder and terrorism of Black Americans had not yet been launched. Therefore, this is a comprehensive list, but hardly a complete list of blacks killed by police.

However, this disgusting list is highly important in the environment in which we find ourselves. Sure, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, Trayvon Martin, Rodney King, and Tamir Rice got headlines and demonstrations, but their well-being and lives are no more important than any of the other victims. Every single person on this list was loved and will be missed by many. We need to remember them as well.

Blacks Killed by Police – January 1, 2015 to April 30, 2015

Freddie Gray 25
Paul Anthony Anderson 31
Denzel Brown 21
Darrin A. Langford 52
Phillip White 32
Dominick R. Wise 30
Ricky Shawatza Hall 27
Jason Moland 29
Angelo West 41
Meagan Hockaday 26
Jeffrey L. Jackson 47
Nicholas Thomas 23
Walter Brown III, 29
Edward Courtney Harris 44
Donald ‘Dontay’ Ivy 39
Robert Washington 37
Darrell Lawrence Brown 34
Thaddeus McCarroll 23
Norman Cooper 33
William L. Chapman II 18
Alexia Christian 25
Jeffrey O. Adkins 53
Jared Johnson 22
Terrance Kellom 20
Brandon Lawrence 25
Todd Jamal Dye 20
Samuel Harrell 30
Daniel Wolfe 35
Jeffery Kemp 18
Justin Howell 17
Dexter Bethea 46
Don Oneal Smith, Jr. 29
Mack Long 36
Colby Robinson 26
Karl Taylor 52
Tevin Barkley 22
Donte Adanye Noble 41
Frank Ernest Shephard, III 41
Walter Scott 50
Bernard Moore 62
Lavall Hall 25
Jonathan Ryan Paul 42
Jamie Croom 31
Terry Garnett Jr. 37
Monique Jenee Deckard 43
Tony Terrell Robinson Jr. 19
Tyrone Ryerson Lawrence 45
Naeschylus Vinzant 37
Andrew Anthony Williams 48
Dewayne Deshawn Ward Jr. 29
Ledarius Williams 23
Yvette Henderson 38
Edward Donnell Bright, Sr. 56
Thomas Allen Jr. 34
Charley Leundeu Keunang, “Africa” 43
Fednel Rhinvil 25
Shaquille C. Barrow 20
Kendre Omari Alston 16
Brandon Jones 18
Darrell “Hubbard” Gatewood 47
Cornelius J. Parker 28
Ian Sherrod 40
Jermonte Fletcher 33
Darin Hutchins 26
Glenn C. Lewis 37
Calvon A. Reid 39
Tiano Meton 25
Demaris Turner 29
Isaac Holmes 19
A’Donte Washington 16
Terry Price 41
Stanley Lamar Grant 38
Askari Roberts 35
Dewayne Carr 42
Terrance Moxley 29
Theodore Johnson 64
Cedrick Lamont Bishop 30
Anthony Hill 27
Terence D. Walke 21
Janisha Fonville 20
Phillip Watkins 23
Anthony Bess 49
Desmond Luster, Sr. 45
James Howard Allen 74
Natasha McKenna 37
Herbert Hill 26
Markell Atkins 36
Kavonda Earl Payton 39
Rodney Walker 23
Donte Sowell 27
Mario A. Jordan 34
Artago Damon Howard 36
Andre Larone Murphy Sr. 42
Marcus Ryan Golden 24
Brian Pickett 26
Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed 41
Ronald Sneed 31
Leslie Sapp III 47
Matthew Ajibade 22

Blacks Killed by Police 2014

Kevin Davis, 44
Eric Tyrone Forbes, 28
Jerame C. Reid, 36
David Andre Scott, 28
Quentin Smith, 23
Terrence Gilbert, 25
Carlton Wayne Smith, 20
Gregory Marcus Gray, 33
Antonio Martin, 18
Tyrone Davis, 43
Xavier McDonald, 16
Brandon Tate-Brown, 26
Dennis Grisgby, 35
Michael D. Sulton, 23
Thurrell Jowers, 22
Travis Faison, 24
Calvin Peters, 49
Christopher Bernard Doss, 41
Jerry Nowlin, 39
William Mark Jones, 50
Rumain Brisbon, 34
Lincoln Price, 24
Eric Ricks, 30
Leonardo Marquette Little, 33
Tamir E. Rice, 12
Akai Gurley, 28
Myron De’Shawn May, 39
Keara Crowder, 29
Tanisha N. Anderson, 37
Darnell Dayron Stafford, 31
David Yearby, 27
Aura Rosser, 40
Carlos Davenport, 51
Cinque DJahspora, 20
Rauphael Thomas, 29
Christopher M. Anderson, 27
Charles Emmett Logan, 68
John T. Wilson, III, 22
Christopher Mason McCray, 17
Kaldrick Donald, 24
Zale Thompson, 32
Terrell Lucas, 22
Ronnie D. McNary, 44
Adam Ardett Madison, 28
Balantine Mbegbu, 65
Elisha Glass, 20
Qusean Whitten, 18
Vonderrit Myers Jr., 18
O’Shaine Evans, 26
Latandra Ellington, 36
Aljarreau Cross, 29
Iretha Lilly, 37
Lashano J. Gilbert, 31
Miguel Benton, 19
Eugene Williams, 38
Tracy A. Wade, 39
Javonta Darden, 20
Marlon S. Woodstock, 38
Oliver Jarrod Gregoire, 26
Nolan Anderson, 50
Cameron Tillman, 14
John Jolly Jr., 28
Charles Smith, 29
Michael Willis Jr., 42
Briant Paula, 26
Kashad Ashford, 23
Carrey Brown, 26
Ceasar Adams, 36
Ricky Deangelo Hinkle, 47
Elijah Jackson, 33
Darrien Nathaniel Hunt, 22
Shawn Brown, 20
Alphonse Edward Perkins, 50
Naim Owens, 22
Kendrick Brown, 35
Eugene N. Turner III, 28
Ronald Singleton, 45
Jeremy Lewis, 33
Vernicia Woodward, 26
Cortez Washington, 32
Steven Lashone Douglas, 29
Desean Pittman, 20
Roshad McIntosh, 18
Anthony Lamar Brown, 39
Arvel Douglas Williams, 30
Darius Cole-Garrit, 21
Kajieme Powell, 25
David Ellis, 29
Luther Lathron Walker, 38
Andre Maurice Jones, 37
Frederick R. Miller, 38
Michelle Cusseaux, 50
Dante Parker, 36
Corey Levert Tanner, 24
Ezell Ford, 25
Robert Baltimore, 34
Dustin Keith Glover, 27
Eddie Davis, 67
Michael Brown, Jr., 18
Michael Laray Dozer, 26
John Crawford III, 22
Daniel Row, 37
Jacorey Calhoun, 23
Anthony Callaway, 27
Patrick Small, 27
Harrison Carter, 29
Vamond Arqui Elmore, 37
Donovan Bayton, 54
Charles Leon Johnson, II, 29
Briatay McDuffie, 19
Jonathan L. Williams, 25
Eric Garner, 43
Dominique Charon Lewis, 23
Michael Reams, 47
Lawrence Campbell, 27
Kenny Clinton Walker, 23
Tyshawn Hancock, 37
Charles Goodridge, 53
Cedric Stanley, 35
Ennis Labaux, 37
Warren Robinson, 16
Christopher Jones, 30
Icarus Randolph, 26
Jacqueline Nichols, 64
Jerry Dwight Brown, 41
Nyocomus Garnett, 35
Rodney Hodge, 33
Paul Ray Kemp Jr., 40
Dennis Hicks, 29
Samuel Johnson, 45
Lavon King, 20
Antoine Dominique Hunter, 24
Samuel Shields, 49
Juan May, 45
Denzell Curnell, 19
Ismael Sadiq, 30
Devaron Ricardo Wilburn, 21
John Schneider, 24
Jason Harrison, 38
Frank Rhodes, 61
Roylee Vell Dixon, 48
Broderick Johnson, 21
David Latham, 35
Lonnie Flemming, 31
Steven Thompson, 26
Thomas Dewitt Johnson, 28
Frank McQueen, 34
Sandy Jamel McCall, 33
Quintico Goolsby, 36
Dominique Franklin, Jr., 23
George V. King, 19
James Renee White Jr., 21
Devante Kyshon Hinds, 21
Pearlie Golden, 93
Jerome Dexter Christmas, 44
Armand Martin, 50
Dontre H. Hamilton, 31
Joe Huff, 86
Emmanuel Wooten
Matthew Walker, 55
Daniel Christoph Yealu, 29
Adrian Williams, 29
Gregory Towns, 24
Jameel Kareem Ofurum Harrison, 34
Zikarious Jaquan Flint, 20
Raason Shaw, 20
DeAndre Lloyd Starks, 27
Douglas Cooper, 18
Winfield Carlton Fisher III, 32
Deosaran Maharaj, 51
Daniel Martin, 47
Emerson Clayton Jr., 21
Rebecca Lynn Oliver, 24
Treon “Tree” Johnson, 27
Gabriella Monique Nevarez, 22
Marquise Jones, 23
Kenneth Christopher Lucas, 38
Keith Atkinson, 31
Yvette Smith, 45
D’Andre Berghardt Jr., 20
Stephon Averyhart, 27
Anthony Bartley, 21
Earnest Satterwhite, Sr., 68
Anneson Joseph, 28
Alton Reaves, 31
McKenzie Cochran, 25
Cornelius Turner, 19
Eldrin Loren Smart, 31
Henry Jackson, 19
Jordan Baker, 26
Gregory Vaughn Hill Jr., 30
Paul Smith, 58
Jeffrey Ragland, 50
Kendall Alexander, 34

blacks killed by police 2015-2015

If this doesn’t make you angry, then nothing will. We are in a fight for our very lives. With the prison system privatized and in full profit mode, whites now have a profit motive to incarcerate blacks for ridiculously lengthysentences and have them do slave labor while locked up. Prison is the new slavery, and cops are the new overseers.

Get ready for battle. We have returned to the 1960s and must once again fight for our rights to exist, to live freely, to have opportunities to advance ourselves and our children in life, to walk down the damn street or drive through our cities without being accosted by cops for no damn reason.

Blacks people SHOULD be very angry, absolutely disgusted and tired of being murdered. Stop singing “WE SHALL OVERCOME” and get off your ass and do something to make it happen.

White people SHOULD be very angry, absolutely disgusted, and tired of people who look like them doing egregious acts that define their entire race as racist, hateful animals. Those who refuse to treat their fellow man with disdain should be getting off their asses and doing something to effect change.

We must stop wasting time fighting each other and get it together. Mobilize, organize, politicize, and strategize. Start with how to take back your block, your neighborhood, your city, your county, and your state from racist police. Get people out to vote and replace Mayor’s, District Attorneys, City Councilmen, Supervisors and anyone else whose agenda is not in your best interest. Make sure those who are in office are not in league with police unions, and that they will make any cop who does not perform to the standard expected is terminated immediately and forever.

That’s not the whole answer to what is going on in the USA with cops who kill blacks, but it’s a damn good start.


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Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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