Do Not Get Offended Black Man Unless What I Say Applies to You
Why is it that cretins always trying to perpetrate like they are someone by putting the word “King” in front of their name? Then they show the inside of their ass, their low class ghetto mentality, and their lack of intelligence by calling women they don’t know names like “bitch” and “ho”. Are those the stupid black male’s favorite words? Must be because as soon as you don’t agree with something they say or their little feeble brains “think”, those are the very first things they want to fling out in an attempt to silence you.
Well, think again home skillet. I will NEVER be silenced. NEVER.
And every time you call me a name and think it hurts, it just makes me even more focused and more determined to dig in your ass until you cry and beg for mercy. Instead of getting on black men once a day, now I am going to up the ante and do it TWICE! And believe me I have plenty of material because the knuckleheads among you are a never ending stream of pitiful failures, lackings and laughable attempts to position themselves as superior to women.

Consider this black man – would you want YOUR baby girl dating or married to one of the idiots we are talking about here?
Warning to the Brothas that are about something – do not read what you see here and take it personally. Don’t waste your time getting defensive and angry at me for speaking out on the crappy trifling black men that run amuck in the black community.
And especially, don’t waste your time complaining that I need to write the word “some” in every sentence so the work of separating the types of black men is done for you. You don’t tell me how to write, I write the way I want to. And I will say “black men” when I please. You consider whether it applies to you, your attitude and your behavior or not. Any work to be done to make that differentiation, do it your damn self! Figure it out as you read along.
But if YOU have not done the things I write about, don’t get huffy and start talking about “you bash BLACK MEN.”
If you take the time to notice, the fools I am talking about are undeserving of the title “men” and you should be bashing these trifling asshats yourself! Especially if you have sisters or daughters that might run into these clowns. They are fools, not men. They destroy vs. build. They whine vs. work. They hate vs. love. They kill rather than create. They are in many instances barely human.
Learn to separate yourself from what you see written about “black males” because if its not describing your behavior, then it’s not talking about you, so shut up.
- Do you “black man” go around calling women bitches and hos and other derogatory words seeking to hurt women with verbal and emotional abuse? Then I am not talking about you.
- Do you “black man” go around shooting up the neighborhood and killing innocent people? Then I am not talking about you.
- Do you “black man” accost women and teen girls walking down the street, calling them names if they don’t respond to you the way you want or smile on command? Then I am not talking about you.
- Do you “black man” seek to lie to and use women as playthings to your own means like a sociopath? Then I am not talking about you.
- Do you “black man” go around molesting children and raping women and girls? Then I am not talking about you.
- Do you “black man” drop out of school and sling death via drugs through your community? Then I am not talking about you.
So don’t waste your time bitching at me about what I am about to unleash on black males that DO act a fool in this way.
It’s on!
Category: Men's Issues