Five Smartphone Apps Every Single Woman Needs

. 12/03/2012 . 0 Comments


It’s a great time to be a single lady, but it has its challenges too. Every woman needs to keep her wits about her, and make sure she’s playing the dating game the right way, but despite the challenges and risks, there are plenty of ways to enjoy this time in your life. Whether you’re looking for Mr. Right or just out there for fun, using the following smartphone apps ensuressmartphone apps for single women you’re not simply surviving being single, but thriving:

1. ShopKick (iOS)

Shopping isn’t just a necessity, it’s fantastic therapy. Next time you go out with the girls or just for some time to get out there and think, make sure you have this app loaded and running. This app notices when you’re in a new store and loads up the discounts and coupons and current promotions so you can be sure you’re shopping smart. The best part? You get points just for walking into a store, or scanning an item for a price check. Those points add up quickly (if you shop like me) and you can get gift cards to your favorite stores, iTunes, and even trips! (Cost: free)

2. LinkedIn (Android, iOS)

LinkedIn isn’t just good for your career; it’s also a good way to check up on the men in your life to see if they’re as driven and successful as you are. Create and use your network of professional colleagues to help you land a better job or help find the career you’ve been looking for. Also help a sister out by recommending her and letting others know her qualifications. Chances are the higher-ups at your company have a LinkedIn account, so when you go in for that interview for a better job at your company, it’ll help if they already know your face and know you’re in the same network of professionals they are. (Cost: free)

3. Mixology (Android, iOS)

Mixology is the ultimate drink recipe and bartending guide. Nearly 8000 concoctions in this app ladies, all with recipes and instructions for some of the craziest drinks you’ve ever had. Keep your social gatherings and parties interesting with your knowledge of how to whip up some unique and delicious drinks. Have a random assortment of liquor at yours or a friend’s house? Create a list in the app of everything you have on hand and it will come back with drinks you can mix so you won’t have to leave the party for supplies. Keep your phone or tablet handy and you’ll be mixing up so many great drinks for you and your friends you’ll never need to leave the house to get a great drink again. (Cost: free)

4. Living Social (Android, iOS)

Make sure you have the inside scoop on the best shopping, dining, and other activities in your city. When you hit the town, or simply head into the city for work, make sure you know the daily deals so you can take advantage of them. Keep it running so you can get instant alerts if you’re near a shop or café with a coupon. Need a break? Living social has some of the best vacation deals so you and your girlfriends could take advantage of and get away for a weekend or a week. This is packed full of great date ideas and deals too, so you’ll never be stumped when it’s your turn to plan. (Cost: free)

5. Period Calendar (Android)

They claim that every woman loves Period Calendar, and with a 4.7/5 rating, it’s about as close to perfect as an app with over ½ a million reviews can get. Ever forget when your last period started when you last went in for a checkup, or weren’t sure if there was anything out of the ordinary? This app is perfect, it tracks your cycle, and you can input so many useful bits of information so easily. Track your mood, appetite, sex-drive, symptoms and more… and then, send it off to your doctor if you need to. This app can keep you notified of an upcoming period, if you’re ovulating, and more. Give it a shot (Cost: free)


Author Patricia ShulerPatricia Shuler is a staff writer from Oakland, California. She’s an admitted tech-junkie who’s quick to share her honest opinion on all things consumer electronic—including up-to-date news, user reviews, and “no holds barred” opinions on a variety of social media, tech, computer, and mobile accessories topics.


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