Garbage Men and Scavenger Bitches
The Low-Budget Broke Joke
These men love to use women for their resources. They consider themselves to have come up if they get a meal at a woman’s house that they didn’t have to pay for, or a ride in her car that they didn’t have to buy gas for, or sex without commitment or paying for a date.
Watch out for those that are fresh out of prison and don’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. They often go park themselves in the apartment of a lonely single mother on Section 8. He can’t do anything for himself or for the woman he moves in with, but he can get some ass from you scavenger bitches, right?
Low budget men like this never offer to take a woman out for a drink, or even buy her a sandwich… and he most certainly will never come in her door with a bag of groceries (though he spends just about every weekend at her house). But he will happily show up at her house week after week with his penis in his hand and his mouth open like a baby bird, waiting to be fed.
Scavenger women will be thrilled that they have a man coming by regularly, no matter how trifling he is. Fearful of making a demand for more or asking for financial assistance, they instead try to stretch their food budget to include feeding him and her two children, and their power bill money to accommodate the extra utilities being used from his 20 minute hot showers and running the television all day and night.
To a scavenger bitch, having a low budget broke joke piece of a man that women with more sense rejected is better than having no man at all
The Always Right ‘Cause I’m a Man Fool
Though he hasn’t been near a church or Bible in 30 years (he is 31), this guy loves to spout scriptures which he uses to control the women he meets.
Quick to tell Black women what the Bible says is their proper role, he enjoys verbally battering women with what they do wrong in relationships per Biblical scriptures, how they aren’t submissive like they should be, how they aren’t virginal like they should be, how they are respectful of his status as a man like they should be, how Black women won’t let him lead like they should either.
Everything that a woman does or says is met with a snort of derision, or deemed to be stupid or unimportant.
To him the word “submission” means that a woman never has a controverting opinion or even a thought that is not in full agreement with his way of thinking. He is to be judge, jury and executioner when it comes to what is right and proper. He insists that he must have final say in all decisions without question, ever. He decides when you have sex, where, how often, how long, and in what position. He decides what is bought for the house. He decides what you should wear, who your friends are, and what your household will be like. All these decisions are made without your input because that is how it SHOULD BE BECAUSE I’M THE MAN!
Amazingly, even Black men that openly acknowledge their lack of interest in religion (even to the point of calling themselves Atheists), still adhere to these archaic views of female sexuality and feminine “roles.” He looks for women willing to put aside their goals and desires for his. Sadly, religious Black women have been socialized to be over givers of this type, and are easily set up to be used by one of these fools.
The scavenger bitch latches onto this type of man because (using her limited logic) “at least he wants a committed relationship and a family.” She talks herself into feeling superior to other Black women because she believes the game that there are 10 women for every 1 man. She gleefully tells any female that will listen “I have a man and you don’t!”
(continued on page 4 below)
Category: Date Smarter, Not Harder
@Deborrah ……THANK YOU…I got the chance to listen 2 the Steve Harvey expose…excellent, excellent…nothing like the FULL TRUTH…again THANK YOU..
Love this conversation.
The guy who doesn’t get it (the one she’s telling to be a man), is only concerned about the woman potentially taking his money. He keeps arguing with her, but she’s telling him the truth. Men need to get their own shit. Women don’t owe them a damn thing.
Sad position to be in whether someone is considered a “garbage man” or “scavenger bitch” There are men & women like this in all ethnic groups, not just the black community. It boils down to unconsciousness, low self-esteem, and self-confidence on both sides of this fence-male & female (regardless of ethnicity).
Very well written life saving advice Ms. Deborah Copper
Excellent article and sadly its very true.
I have always wondered how and where dudes like this got so ignorant. Did they just come out of a cardboard box? How did they live so long, yet remain so ignorant? I was born smarter than this. This totally baffles me.
Great article! The funny thing is that one group of Garbage Men (The Fear Mongers) constantly attack the other groups of Garbage Men when they are all in the same boat. The other funny thing is that most of these Garbage Men will call themselves “Good Black Men.”
That is the truth. Way to many freeking women find it flatering when some fool calls them “the hottest bitch in this joint”! LAME!!!
Even though I have not been in a personal relationship with guys like this I have witnessed pretty much all of these examples with my own eyes. It’s sad that women will risk their personal integrity and safet just for a man regardless of serious mental problems the guy may posess. It is that hard to be single, especially if the guy isn’t helping you, but actually hurting you and maybe your children? Some people just need to wake up! Another precise article done by Ms. Cooper, as always , well done!
I agree concerning women who choose men without using logic all for the sake of having one. I believe women will save themselves alot of heartache if they choose wisdom over their feelings. In terms of brothas on the internet venting about black women. I feel like its important to hear the brothas side cause sisters have been venting about black men also for years. HOWEVER I agree that all the unecessary insults are uncalled for. There is a way to communicate your opinion without being ugly to one another.
I don’t think its the least bit important to hear grown men whine about women and what women don’t do to meet their expectations. They want us to consider them to be leaders and Kings, then they need to act like leaders and Kings, and stop acting like whiney ass big diaper wearing babies. We hear their side all the time – for generations all we ever heard was their side, as women were forbidden and shamed into silence, into accepting mistreatment and abuse at the hands of men just to be married and have a roof over their heads.
Those days are over. Women are now venting as much as they please and its about time women have the right to do so. I don’t care to hear men complain anymore. They’ve had 2000 years to bitch and moan and control women. I want men to shut the fuck up and sit back and learn something. Stop thinking the world revolves around men, what men want, what men think, what men say. Men need to be focused on what WOMEN want what WOMEN think and what WOMEN say for a change. Then maybe the world will become a better place that is suitable for growth and development of both males and females… not just males.
Thank you!!!! This comment says it all—
GO GIRL! 🙂 I couldn’t have said it better.
Thank you, you said it very well. It is time men stop playing the victim role. When I see these guys, I run away.
Wow! Entertaining hard hitting and sadly too true in the black community with black women. Black women settle for anything that comes by. They are so starved for love and affection and don’t recognize unhealthy men when they see them. This points to the fragmented black families where we see a lot of black women witness their mothers with trifling men so they think it’s normal. Interestingly enough nonwhite women don’t think this way. They marry to bring themselves up, but black women seem to think they should ‘help a man’ come up. It’s so twisted. Black women shouldn’t be so desperate to settle for a piece of a man. Because that’s all they’ll ever get. A piece never becomes a whole.