Garbage Men and Scavenger Bitches
The Substance Abusing Drug Selling/Using Drunkard
Bringing up the rear in this hit parade are the addicts, alcoholics, criminalistic types of garbage. Many women, having grown up in an unstable environment are drawn to codependent relationships with men of this type. Like a rat to cheese, scavenger bitches scarf up a variety of dependent losers, and get themselves caught in a trap of emotional pain and confusion.
Some of these guys are so far gone that they sexually abuse children in the household or extended family, and use their addiction as the excuse for errant behavior. Some women fall for it… “he was drunk/high and didn’t know what he was doing!” they say.
No matter if his addiction is to porn, food, drugs, liquor or gambling … it really makes no difference. Bottom line is his woman, his love, is something other than you. He is not emotionally nor mentally available to give the love and commitment you seek. He is always going to hold himself just out of reach, taunting and teasing you with the promise of commitment but never delivering.
Undeterred, you pray, plead, chase and beg — hoping that you will luck up on the magical combination of words and behaviors that makes him realize you are the one for him. You long for him to tell you that you are the woman he’s been waiting for all his life, the woman that he is going to change for and make all your dreams come true.
Only thing is it never happens. Five, 10, 20 years later, your youth wasted, you finally give up and admit that perhaps scavenging garbage wasn’t the right thing to do.
Lonely for companionship and sex, scavenger bitches scour the earth picking up anything male with a pulse. Throwing all choices associated with scrutiny and common sense out the window, scavenger bitches repeatedly align themselves with the most undesirable men and settle for the most disrespectful treatment.
Accepting booty calls, dealing with other women’s husbands, staying with men that lie and cheat – men with no promise or future or even teeth! It’s amazing, sometimes it seems like the more of a tore up loser the guy is, the more scavenger bitches are attracted to him.
Scavenger bitches often feel obligated to “help” Black men get themselves together while they get little to nothing in return. Throwing both their money and life energy into a black hole, scavenger women often waste their entire lives going from one loser to another, picking up trash and taking it home.
Why don’t you think you deserve better?
Category: Date Smarter, Not Harder
@Deborrah ……THANK YOU…I got the chance to listen 2 the Steve Harvey expose…excellent, excellent…nothing like the FULL TRUTH…again THANK YOU..
Love this conversation.
The guy who doesn’t get it (the one she’s telling to be a man), is only concerned about the woman potentially taking his money. He keeps arguing with her, but she’s telling him the truth. Men need to get their own shit. Women don’t owe them a damn thing.
Sad position to be in whether someone is considered a “garbage man” or “scavenger bitch” There are men & women like this in all ethnic groups, not just the black community. It boils down to unconsciousness, low self-esteem, and self-confidence on both sides of this fence-male & female (regardless of ethnicity).
Very well written life saving advice Ms. Deborah Copper
Excellent article and sadly its very true.
I have always wondered how and where dudes like this got so ignorant. Did they just come out of a cardboard box? How did they live so long, yet remain so ignorant? I was born smarter than this. This totally baffles me.
Great article! The funny thing is that one group of Garbage Men (The Fear Mongers) constantly attack the other groups of Garbage Men when they are all in the same boat. The other funny thing is that most of these Garbage Men will call themselves “Good Black Men.”
That is the truth. Way to many freeking women find it flatering when some fool calls them “the hottest bitch in this joint”! LAME!!!
Even though I have not been in a personal relationship with guys like this I have witnessed pretty much all of these examples with my own eyes. It’s sad that women will risk their personal integrity and safet just for a man regardless of serious mental problems the guy may posess. It is that hard to be single, especially if the guy isn’t helping you, but actually hurting you and maybe your children? Some people just need to wake up! Another precise article done by Ms. Cooper, as always , well done!
I agree concerning women who choose men without using logic all for the sake of having one. I believe women will save themselves alot of heartache if they choose wisdom over their feelings. In terms of brothas on the internet venting about black women. I feel like its important to hear the brothas side cause sisters have been venting about black men also for years. HOWEVER I agree that all the unecessary insults are uncalled for. There is a way to communicate your opinion without being ugly to one another.
I don’t think its the least bit important to hear grown men whine about women and what women don’t do to meet their expectations. They want us to consider them to be leaders and Kings, then they need to act like leaders and Kings, and stop acting like whiney ass big diaper wearing babies. We hear their side all the time – for generations all we ever heard was their side, as women were forbidden and shamed into silence, into accepting mistreatment and abuse at the hands of men just to be married and have a roof over their heads.
Those days are over. Women are now venting as much as they please and its about time women have the right to do so. I don’t care to hear men complain anymore. They’ve had 2000 years to bitch and moan and control women. I want men to shut the fuck up and sit back and learn something. Stop thinking the world revolves around men, what men want, what men think, what men say. Men need to be focused on what WOMEN want what WOMEN think and what WOMEN say for a change. Then maybe the world will become a better place that is suitable for growth and development of both males and females… not just males.
Thank you!!!! This comment says it all—
GO GIRL! 🙂 I couldn’t have said it better.
Thank you, you said it very well. It is time men stop playing the victim role. When I see these guys, I run away.
Wow! Entertaining hard hitting and sadly too true in the black community with black women. Black women settle for anything that comes by. They are so starved for love and affection and don’t recognize unhealthy men when they see them. This points to the fragmented black families where we see a lot of black women witness their mothers with trifling men so they think it’s normal. Interestingly enough nonwhite women don’t think this way. They marry to bring themselves up, but black women seem to think they should ‘help a man’ come up. It’s so twisted. Black women shouldn’t be so desperate to settle for a piece of a man. Because that’s all they’ll ever get. A piece never becomes a whole.