Girlfriend Has Big Boobs but Won’t Show Them Off

. 10/30/2014 . 2 Comments

Dear Ms. HeartBeat:
My girlfriend has a great rack, but she refuses to show any cleavage, even the slightest bit because in her words she doesn’t like random guys looking at her “privates”. I told her she is being ridiculous and all woman show some. Yeah. some show too much, but a little is nice and expected.girlfriend has big boobs

If she ever finds a cute shirt she likes and it even a tiny low to wear, it will show when she bends over she will wear another shirt underneath to make sure she is completely covered. She is not religious and is American, white born and raised in California, so I don’t get her? It is really starting to piss me off because none of my friends can see I have a sexy girlfriend.

Want a Sexy Girl

Dear Want:
You are a perfect example of the mentality I write about all the time, the male that derives his sense of his manhood by what his peers think of his woman. Nothing you do is great enough to garner their ooohs and ahhhs, so you depend upon your woman’s looks, body, sexiness, boobs, etc. to pump you up and make you feel like the big man.

In reality, you are still the little dweeb you are whether she shows her body to your buddies or not. Her showing her boobs doesn’t make you one bit taller, richer, smarter, better looking or a better guy. What you need to do is learn to derive your sense of self-esteem from what YOU do, and what YOU wear, and what YOU say instead of trying to position a female to do that for you.



Dating expert and advice columnist since 1993, writing as Ms. HeartBeat. Author of the hilarious street smart dating guide "Sucka Free Love - How to Avoid Dating The Dumb, The Deceitful, The Dastardly, The Dysfunctional & The Deranged."

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  1. KatieMunchmaQuchiSmith says:

    I’m guessing it’s probably something along the lines of, “Nuh uh. Ur dumb. I’m aksin sombody else!” And he will probably seek people’s advice until he gets the advice that he wants to hear which is, “ur girlfrien’s uptight. U better dump her because if she won’t show off her tits imagine what else she won’t do!”

  2. Raz zy says:

    Well said, great advice!  I wonder what his response was.

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