1/23/11 – The Male Identified Woman
Explanation of a “male identified” female and how she contributes to the promotion of patriarchial attitudes in both men and women. Why do they believe females are inferior and should be subservient to males in romantic relationships as a matter of course?
Discussion of how male-identified women encourage female submission, codependency and attitudes in men that are to the detriment of females and encourage men to remain close minded and judgmental about females.
Let’s talk about how male identified women and their attitudes are contributing to the harm being done to females around the globe.
We’ll get started at 5:30 pm (Pacific)/ 8:30 pm (Eastern). Log on and set a REMINDER so you don’t miss it!
Call into 347-327-9215 to participate in the discussion or listen via your telephone if you’re away from your computer.
Category: Media Events