Marriage – Why The Fantasy is Better Than The Reality for Women

. 08/03/2011 . 7 Comments

The question was asked about women and modern marriages:  “What do you think are the top 5 reasons that women want to get married these days? What is it that women hope to achieve or become or get from marriage? Are those things realistic? Do women really get them? What do you think women actually get from marriage?”  Here are some thoughts on women’s expectations and disappointments with the institution of marriage in our current society.

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Women and Marriage

Women and Marriage

The Romantic Dream
The Shockingly Disappointing Reality

(c) 2011 Deborrah Cooper/SurvivingDating.Com

The Set Up

Young girls see themselves in a Disney movie… she is the lonely (single) Princess in distress. She is rescued from singleness by a kiss from the handsome Prince.

Every problem she ever had will disappear once she finds a Prince who validates her as a woman with a proposal of marriage.


What Women Expect…

What Women Expect...

"When you grow up, you will meet your Prince. He will commit to loving only you and will love you forever. His love will make all of your problems go away. He will treat you like a Queen, be your best friend, a great father, and always take care of you financially and in every other manner. Your life with your beloved will be full of romance, love, passion and happiness."


Wedding Bells

Wedding Bells!

Young females view marriage as a rite of passage into womanhood and achievement of the gold medal - the ultimate status title of “Mrs.”

Most long to experience having a fancy wedding, being married, and having a family of their own -- as they have been socialized to do without question…

What Married Women Actually Get

What Married Women Actually Get:

  • Total responsibility for managing the household
  • Total responsibility for children, their activities, schooling, homework, health etc.
  • Total responsibility for cooking and cleaning
  • Total responsibility for keeping sex “exciting”
  • Total responsibility for keeping hubby from cheating
  • Total responsibility for social events and external relationship maintenance
  • Total blame for any failures of the above
The Real Deal on Marriage

The Real Deal on Marriage

When men marry, their participation in housework falls while their leisure time increases to levels close to that of a retiree!


For women, marriage is hard work. A man living in the home creates 8 hours per week of extra physical labor for his wife… labor for which she receives no salary.


Married Women and Housework


Married Women and Housework

Widows 60 and older do at least 25% less housework than their married peers.

A husband creates more laundry, requires higher cooking standards, extra chores cleaning up after him, and more organization of the household and people in it to suit HIS schedule.


Women Do The Most Housework

Women Do it All!

Though a wife may work a full time job outside the home, U.S. statistics report that working women STILL do 70% of the household labor.

Men see housework as “her job”… he sometimes “helps out” though he capably did ALL of these things for himself before he got married.


Women Do More Period

How Much do Married Women Do?

  • Women do 77% of the cooking
  • Women do 75% of the cleaning
  • Women do 66% of the shopping
  • Women do 85% of the laundry and ironing
  • Women do 91% of the bathroom cleaning

Time for a Reality Check!

Time for a Reality Check Ladies!

  • Women file 75% or more of the divorces in the United States.
  • Married women are the least happy demographic (married men and single women are the happiest)
  • Married women are more likely to become depressed than single women, especially after giving birth.

In Sickness and in Health?

 In Sickness and in Health?

A 2009 study published in the journal Cancer found that a married woman diagnosed with a serious disease is six times more likely to be divorced or separated than a man with a similar diagnosis. Among study participants, the divorce rate was 21 percent for seriously ill women and 3 percent for seriously ill men.

Apparently, a large percentage of men physically and emotionally abandon their sick wives, due to the inconvenience of it all.


Happily Ever After, Huh?

 Happily Ever After, Huh? NOT!

Cinderella is the story of the average marriage. If she had not married a rich Prince, she would have married the average working Joe, and her life would not have changed one bit.

The cooking, scrubbing, laundry and waiting on she did for the evil stepsisters and stepmother would have merely changed to the evil children and husband!



What Women Want in Marriage

 What Women Want from Marriage

Women seek five key things from their marriages and husbands:

  1. Emotional Intimacy and Close Friendship
  2. Supportive Partnership
  3. Passionate Romance
  4. Companionship
  5. Loyalty


What Romance Means to Women


What Romance Means to Women

A romantic gesture is one where the only purpose is to make your wife or girlfriend feel special and loved.

A romantic gift has no practical purpose. Giving a gift or doing something for no other purpose than to make your woman feel like she is cherished and special.

Many men resent their wife’s expectation of romance, and they refuse to meet her needs.


How Men Define Romance

How Men Define Romance...

Good Sex

Not So Good Sex

Lingerie (followed by Sex)

Porn Movies (accompanied by Sex)



So you can see there is a major disconnect in desires and expectations here!


What Women Think They’ll Get from Marriage

What Women Think They'll Get from Marriage

What Women ACTUALLY Get from Marriage

What Women ACTUALLY GET from Marriage



So the Question Is…

 So the Question Is...

not sure what to do with this budding relationshipWhat benefits could marriage provide a woman in 2011 that she cannot get met with less stress and problems through other means?

Why do women still chase after men and demand a ring and marriage?


Share Your Thoughts!

Share Your Thoughts!

Log onto to read more. Or check out relationship expert Deborrah Cooper's fantastically funny dating guides: Sucka Free Love: How to Avoid Dating The Dumb, The Deceitful, The Dastardly, The Dysfunctional & The Deranged! and The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid both available on Amazon.Com.


You can also hear discussions on women and marriage on The Date Smarter Not Harder Relationships Talk Show

8 Votes


Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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