Men, I Hear You and Imma Let You Finish, but…

. 11/22/2010 . 24 Comments

Men, I hear you and Imma let you finish, but the following 5 phrases are the most asinine, contrived, psychologically projected, Jedi-mind tricked, verbally fucked phrases of ALL TIME!!!!

  1. You’re too strong.”  So…….does that mean I have to be weak? Oh so now you telling me how I need to be in order to be with you? Ah! Excuse me while I go talk to another man that respects my strength and is not trying to pretzel me into what he wants me to be.
  2. You’re too independent.”  So…….does that mean I need to be dependent? Dependent on whom? How can I be dependent on you when yo ass is consistently inconsistent!!! One day you’re Ne-Yo wanting Ms. Independent who got her own and then you’re Lil Boosie talking bout wanting an I.N.D.E.P.E.N.D.E.N.T broad working two jobs but then when I say I’m independent now I’m too independent! WTF YOU WANT FROM ME MAAAAAAN!!!??? lol
  3. Your standards are too high.”  So….does that mean I need to lower my standards for you? And if I need to lower my standards what does that say about you and how you feel about yourself? Hmm…don’t know too many women that have to do all that but–Okay. All across the globe women are encouraged to select UP not DOWN. Even at the most basic level, right now as we speak a woman in a village is being married off to the man with 8 goats not 1. Hmmm, methinks the dude with the 1 goat was talking that bullshit that her standards were too high. lol FOH!
  4. Your attitude is too bad.”  So….does that mean I need to change my attitude? %&$#%@& *&^%$#$$%%#$ You’d have a bad attitude too if men were constantly telling you what you need to do and how you need to be and why you don’t have xyz! ESPECIALLY when women have followed men’s instructions only to be let down time and time again by their boyfriends and husbands who had no instructions of their own to follow on what it means to be a better boyfriend/husband. FOH x2!
  5. You need to let a man be a man.”  So….does that mean I don’t let you be something you should already be in the first place?? O_o Hmmm…what are you the rest of the time when I’m not letting you be a man??? Scary to think about. Well, while you’re arguing with me about your fleeting manhood, I’m gonna mosey on over to the man whose manhood is never threatened nor the subject of debate. Last time I checked men don’t need permission to be men.

This shit must STOP! Stop overgeneralizing, stop misinterpreting statistics, stop taking things out of context, stop telling us what to do, stop trying to change us, and stop trying to control us.

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Conscious sistah who expresses many of her thoughts on FaceBook, spreading her wings into the blogosphere via SurvivingDating.Com.

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