The “On Point” Black Man, Leadership and Submission

. 07/20/2010 . 42 Comments

I’ve shared several exchanges recently with a handsome fellow (let’s call him Don), about black male/female relationships.  A point of somewhat tense discussion was Don’s belief that successful Black women intentionally choose men that are beneath them in education and accomplishment.  His reasoning: such women seek to feel superior, have the upper hand, and be in control of both the man and the relationship.

“She avoids the ‘on point’ man because doesn’t want to be submissive or have a man she feels is her equal lead her in any way, so she chooses someone unqualified to lead,” he concluded.

Don also expressed the belief that a man with his stuff together financially, educationally and physically (what he referred to as being “on point”) would never allow a woman to control the relationship. Women were not qualified to lead a relationship he said with fervor. “On point” men will not compromise on this, he explained.

Perhaps that is the true reason professional, educated and successful Black women can’t find a man he postulated…  such women refuse to submit and be feminine.  Instead these types of women attempt to compete with their dates/partners in some sort of “I can do it as well as you can” male-style pissing contest.

(clearing throat)… I have to agree with him there ladies.

I’ve told women many times that a date is not a job interview! In the world of romance a woman’s degrees, salary and professional experience are not qualifiers for the job of “wife” and don’t mean a hill of beans to a man looking for love and commitment. He is looking for you to smell good, look pretty, make him laugh, and show him that you are a loyal, nurturing and supportive WOMAN that he will be happy to rush home to.

So it always amazes me when women write my advice column trying to figure out how to attract a man. “I want to get married” they whine in frustration. “Where are all the GOOD BLACK MEN?” they lament.

Inquiries into what it is they are looking for garner a responsive list of 879 things the man must have, be, do and say. My follow-up question to this endless wish list is always “what is it that you bring to the relationship?”

These beautiful women then list the qualities they offer to a man as “own my own home, have great credit, have an MBA, am a God-fearing Christian woman, make $100K annually, no children, and look pretty good too.”

That’s when the stupefied look appears on my face.

Ladies, do you realize that not one of the things you’ve listed make you a candidate for a wife and in some instances, not even a date? Do you realize guys who feel they are “on point” (and therefore superior to the average guy in terms of ambition, goals and a plan for himself), will not be at all impressed by your list of accomplishments and material goods?

An “on point” man looking for a partner doesn’t care about your investment portfolio, your education or your CV – he wants to know what kind of woman you are and if you are willing to pick up a bat and play on his team.  He is looking for you to follow his lead, trusting that he will take you both where you need to be.  He wants you to believe in him, have confidence in his decision-making abilities, and be on board with the majority of his ideas because you find them to be as exciting and full of promise as he does.

Submission for Women… WTF?

Readers familiar with me know that I have a real problem with the word “submission.” The concept of some woman blindly allowing a man to lead her through life just because he believes his testicles and Johnson provide him with knowledge and skills and make him superior to females in every way makes me barf. To me such a “leadership” style is nothing more than a tyrannical demand for dictatorial control.  Expecting a woman with good sense to sign on for that type of relationship in 2010 is a ridiculous notion.

However, there are men that are such solid guys, so confident, loving, fair, logical and purposeful that they are elevated to leader without ever having to say a word.  These guys possess a quiet strength and sound judgment, are so trusted and inspirational that both MEN AND WOMEN willingly follow his lead.

These leaders certainly have a plan, but they ask questions and get input from others before executing them. I’ve noticed that all true leaders listen well, and respect those around them as being valuable and important.  Those following these leaders maintain a strong belief in his fairness and leadership. Even though a decision that isn’t a fan favorite may be the ultimate outcome, those that follow this man remain happy and content.

I believe the guy that inspires loyalty and makes women feel psychologically safe is the one that women seek to partner with. He is also the guy that women happily submit to.

Can “On-Point” Men Offer Satisfying Relationships to Women?

The statement that a man who deems himself to be “on point” will flatly refuse to compromise was rather alarming. Let me tell you why:

Some years ago I lost the man I loved in an auto accident. At that moment all the plans I’d made for my life went up in smoke. I had to learn the hard way that life is never going to be the smooth road we want it to be. Instead, life is full of potholes and cliffs, sharp left turns, slippery slopes and mountains to climb.  To be successful, we’d better be very flexible in how we handle ourselves as we navigate through the maze!

In other words, life is not rigid or fixed, nor is it black and white… life is 99% gray.  Thus, a relationship where a man offers no compromise, no flexibility, and a complete unwillingness to work with his woman as a team is a relationship that will fail, leaving them both heartbroken.

Men who INSIST on being placed in the leadership role (by threats, coercion, brute force, or guilt) must remember that they were never elected to be ruler and that their leadership is more akin to a coup. And when you take power via a coup, you can bet as soon as the populace gets an opportunity, your government will be overthrown and your ass killed.

(see page 2 below)

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Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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