*1. |
Men usually go with tried and true coffee date, or if they REALLY want to impress, the dinner and movie date. Please describe your ideal first date. You can tell us about a date you actually had, OR share your fantasy ideal first date! |
2. |
What are the top five ways you let a man know you are interested in him? How do you behave around him or towards him? What subtle cues should a guy look that would tell him that you are FOR SURE interested in him? What do you say to him? Please break this down into two parts: (1) how you act when you haven't met him yet but want to! and (2) how you act when you know him casually but want him to know that your interest is more than friendly! |
3. |
You've dated him three times and talked on the phone at least 10 times. Say this guy really liked you and wanted to get with you for the purposes of a serious relationship. Share with us the top five things that you would you want him to do or say to communicate his romantic interest and desire. In what manner should he express his intentions if he wants you to take him seriously? |
*4. |
What qualities do you look for your long-term mate to have vs. those you might look for in a casual date or just to have fun type boyfriend? In other words, what differentiates Mr. Right Now from Mr. Right? |
*5. |
What are the top traits or qualities a man MUST HAVE for you to consider him a solid contender for your heart? Why have selected those things as most important? Please share a minimum of three and no more than ten so you won't be here all day! |
*6. |
When do you usually make the decision to sleep with a man after first meeting him? How long does it take you to decide that he is in there? |
7. |
Many women describe a guy as being "too nice"... what does that mean to you? Is there such a thing? And if a guy is deemed to be "too nice" does that mean he will be passed over as a date or mate? What does a guy do or say that causes you to label him as "too nice." Do nice guys finish last? Please provide examples of behaviors or attitudes that would get a man labeled "too nice" and put in the FRIEND ZONE. |
8. |
Women often test men to determine what kind of man they are and if he is suitable as a date or mate. Women test to see if a guy has the proper manners, personality, attitude, ambition, belief system, morals, values, etc. What types of tests do you run on the men you date or are interested in dating to screen out the knuckleheads? |
9. |
Men make silly jokes, hint about sex, say things about women's bodies, brag about their possessions, taunt/insult in what they feel is a fun way, over-flatter or proclaim mad love within 10 minutes of meeting. Women often go along with these antics, but roll their eyes afterwards and may never want to see that fella again. Please list the top 5-10 things that men do or say that get on your everlastin' nerves and negatively impact your opinion about a particular man. What behaviors do you view as so silly, uncouth or disrespectful that you lose interest immediately? |
*10. |
For some women its cheating, for others it may be physical abuse, for some its drug or alcohol abuse. Describe your bottom line. What behavior is an instant deal breaker... the one or two things that will send you walking out the door even if you are married, never to return? Do you clearly communicate this to men you meet and date? If so, at what stage of the relationship? If not, why not? |
*11. |
Men are confused about women's signals of interest, as well as when women are NOT interested and he should stop pursuing. What do you do or say to let a guy know that you are not interested in him "like that?" Please be specific. |
12. |
You are in a well-established relationship and don't want to sleep with your man. Men think that women are using sex as a weapon against them, when women say it's men's fault. What are the 3-5 things a man might do or say that would make you not want to have sex with him? |
*13. |
Please rate the following statements on a scale of 1-5 with 5 being mandatory/most important, and one being don't really care/not important to you in a relationship. |