Tag: black men and christianity
Day 3 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: Failure to Protect
Widespread acceptance of violence by black men towards black women is dangerous. Black women have no confidence that black men will protect them, as in many instances you are the ones that she needs protection from! Too many of you now see the victimization of women as nothing but entertainment.
Colonel of Wisdom Not Very Wise About Black Women, Female Sexuality or Men
Whether you have four, 14 or 44 lovers, with each man you learn more about your female sexuality and sexual response. You must follow these guidelines for selecting men with whom to share your body, and the 5 rules for engaging in sexual activity with hot sexy men to protect yourself and avoid drama.
The Black Church – Where Women Pray and Men Prey
In her new book, columnist Deborrah Cooper continues an long needed examination of how religion is misused by unscrupulous preachers, and the games charlatans posing as men of God use to prey on women and children. For those women brave enough to take a look at what is going on at their churches, and who are strong enough to demand protection from predatory men for women and children within the walls of the House of God, this book is right on time.
Book Announcement: The Black Church, Where Women Pray and Men Prey
Controversial new book on the black church and the false prophets that lead them. How black women and children are manipulated and preyed upon in black churches for their time, energy, money and bodies.
Why Do Black Men Always Ask Me if I Go to Church?
What kind of game is being run by Black men that ask if a woman goes to church immediately upon meeting her? You don’t know the game? Read and learn baby girl, read and learn.
Female Submission in Dating and Marriage: Why Should Women Submit to Men?
Tonight we’ll discuss female submission in Black relationships, the pros and cons of submission if any, and the reasons Black men demand that Black women submit to them. Who really benefits from submission by women?
Why Black Women Should Never Submit to Black Men
Female submission is a key point of contention in Black male/female relationships. Would Black women really experience higher rates of marriage and marital satisfaction if they bought into the concept of submission as Black men say they should?
Submissive Women Have the Happiest Relationships?
Why is it that Black men are so enamored of the concept of female submission? Do such relationships last longer? Are they happier for both the man and woman or just the man?
Research Survey: Preyed Upon in God’s House
Research survey on the predatory behaviors of men within our nation’s religious institutions. Instead of worshipping God, women/children are viewed as prey by child molesters and opportunists.
The Real Problem of Eddie Long and the Black Church
This latest addition to a long line of scandals concerning black churches again places the oldest and most enduring African American institution in the cross-hairs of ridicule and derision. Bishop Eddie Long is widely known for his uncompromising opposition to gay sex but is being accused of coercing sex from young boys under his “spiritual” guidance. We thus have all the makings of a Goliath who will certainly fall harder because of his sizeable influence in not only the Atlanta area community, but also because of his vast presence in national and international politics and affairs.
The God Virus – How Religion Messes Up the Minds of Men
Black men feel they deserve to be in charge and run their woman and household without question. Is this truly the relationship that modern Black men expect and feel they deserve… straight out of 1800? Why should accomplished Black women place themselves under the foot of a male that believes he is superior to women? Controversial examination of religion, God, Christianity, and the ego of the Black male.
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