Tag: black women and domestic violence

Fixing the Black Community and the Flawed Logic of Black Men

. 07/23/2016 . 1 Comment

Guest blogger Shadid Mack questions the logic of black men who blame the downfall of the black community on black women and single parent homes – asking black men how they can expect black women to perform a miracle in a vacuum and a hostile environment? He lays out the problems and possible solutions.

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The Law of Attraction is Stupid

. 06/10/2015 . 2 Comments

Popular amongst those looking for direction and guidance to a better life, the Law of Attraction made millions for those promoting it. But when the Law of Attraction is used to blame victims for their pain and suffering by saying “well you attracted it/him/that experience” you are wrong and you are stupid.

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Day 15 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: Killing Ex-Girlfriends

. 04/03/2013 . 2 Comments

Online and offline, men are angry when women resist being under their control. Why is it so difficult for men to accept that a relationship has ended and the solution to their pain is killing their ex-girlfriend?

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Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child – Neither Biblical nor Proper Parenting

. 09/30/2012 . 4 Comments

Around the nation black women ran to the defense of Creflo Dollar, saying he was justified in assaulting his daughter. After all, the bible instructs parents never to “spare the rod and spoil the child!” so there was no crime. In reality that phrase is nowhere in the bible.

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Domestic Violence Prevention Month – Murdered Women and Children

. 09/11/2012 . 7 Comments

In January 2009 this young woman and her infant daughter were gunned down in a tragic case of domestic violence. Since then hundreds of thousands of women and children have been abused and murdered by violent, angry men. Domestic violence must be stopped.

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