Tag: cheap men

A Date is NOT You Making Butt-Prints on My Couch!

. 11/30/2011 . 3 Comments

The first thing some men do after talking on the phone a time or two is press for an invitation to a woman’s home. Their idea of a date is spending time together relaxing on your couch… in close proximity to the bedroom. A “no, I don’t know you well enough yet” response may cause such a man to press even harder or become downright irritated at your refusal to give him what he wants. What is behind this increasingly common behavior pattern, and what should women do to counter it?

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Is He Using You?

. 06/10/2011 . 9 Comments

When deeply in love, it can be easy to blur healthy boundaries. But being in love doesn’t mean being a fool for a user. Five ways to know if you are being used!

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1/9/11 – Dating the Cheap Man

. 01/02/2011 . 0 Comments

When a man is a penny pincher with his money, is he tightfisted and guarded with his emotions as well? How important is male spending in the romantic selection and dating process?

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