Tag: commitment

Female Submission – Why Weak Men Want Submissive Women

. 10/05/2009 . 58 Comments

Female submission is pushed by fathers, pastors, deacons and ministers and society as a whole. The brainwashing is complete when women make statements that women should be submissive to men because it is a woman’s nature. It is not in a woman’s “nature” to be anything but great and powerful self-actualizing citizens of the world. Yet various cultures and religions have limited female options and choices based strictly on gender. Women of today, their mothers, and their mother’s mothers have all been socialized by men to believe that men are superior and that women should subjugate themselves to males. But that is nothing but a lie.

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Becoming The Man Women Want

. 07/05/2009 . 0 Comments

Women are frustrated and angry with men; men are confused about what modern women want and long for a return to “the good old days” when the male role was well-defined. Should women adjust their Fairy Tale expectations of Happily Ever After with the reality of who and what men are today? How can men adjust their caveman idea of “a man’s man” while still demonstrating strength and leadership so that the modern woman admires and respects him? If you’re confused about gender expectations and how to meet the needs of the opposite sex, this is the show for you!

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Men Don’t Understand When They Are IN A RELATIONSHIP

. 06/30/2009 . 0 Comments

Explanation of what women mean when they say “we’re in a relationship” because guys just don’t seem to get it. When a woman is looking for a specific, desired outcome from their interaction with a person of the opposite sex, she labels their regular interaction as “a relationship.” A relationship is much more important in her life than a mere date. A relationship usually includes sex for women. Guys don’t get that if they have sex with a woman more than a couple of times, she is going to consider that “a relationship” whether you want it to be one or not! In other words, you are her boyfriend, with all the obligations and responsiblities that title entails.

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How Do Relationships Become “Official” These Days?

. 06/26/2009 . 0 Comments

Single men and women must never assume that they have a committed relationship or a “boyfriend/girlfriend” just because they’ve been on 5, 10 or even 500 dates, slept together, are living together, or have even had a baby. Unless the details of their association have been discussed in great detail, expectations and abilities to meet said expectations have been ironed out, and both parties sign on the dotted line, there is no “relationship.”

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Why Won’t Men Say I LOVE YOU?

. 06/05/2009 . 0 Comments

Question:  Why won’t men say "I love you" to their girlfriends and wives?  These are sincere guys! They know they feel the love, and we know they do too. But they just won’t say the words we so badly want to hear.  WHY NOT??????   HE SAYS: So why don’t the men in your life SAY […]

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You Don’t Know HOW To Date!

. 05/26/2009 . 0 Comments

The last U.S. Census report stated that for the first time in the history of the U.S., we have a higher population of single adults in this country than we do married.  Are most of us single by choice – finding a life of aloneness to be preferable?  Or are we stymied by our lack […]

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Strong Reasons Make Strong Actions

. 05/21/2009 . 0 Comments

 "Strong reasons make strong actions." — William Shakespeare (1564-1616)   Did ole Willy have to date?  I believe the whole mating thing was done a bit differently back in his day.  My understanding is that one’s parents figured out who might be a good match for the family as a whole, then you were "assigned" […]

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