Tag: control freaks
Are You Dating a Sociopath, Psychopath or Narcissist? on 5/26/13
Black women must become aware of the behaviors of the sociopath, narcissist and psychopath to avoid them at all cost. Join us for an eye opening, very disturbing discussion on modern dating, the men who comprise the dating pool in the black community, and what you can do as a parent to make sure you are not raising a sociopath or narcissist.
The Top 5 Ways to Know if You’re Dealing with a He-motional He-bitch
What I’ve noticed, in communicating with various heterosexual men both offline and online, is that they embrace their inner emotional bitch. How masculine is that, really?
The “On Point” Black Man, Leadership and Submission
An “on point” man has his shit together and doesn’t care about your investment portfolio, your education or your resume – he wants only to know if you are willing to pick up a bat and play on his team. Can a professional, educated Black female ever trust a man to lead?
The Male Struggle for Control of Female Sexuality
A male reader writes in to share his thoughts on his belief that women not only lose value if they have multiple lovers, but that any woman can easily have 300 lovers in one year since all she has to do is have a vagina and give her consent. Why are some men so fixated on a woman’s purity as the sole source of her worth and value as a person?
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