Tag: dating advice for black women
What it Means When a Single Black Man Says I’m Not Ready
If you want marriage and children, does it make sense to wait around for years and years, investing more time and energy into a man who has already told you that he is not ready for all that and doesn’t know when he will be? Advice columnist, social researcher and dating expert Deborrah Cooper discusses the frustrating but extremely common issue of the man who gives mixed messages by saying one thing and doing another.
Internet Stalking – When Niqqas Stalk to Insult and Demean
A person who calls himself a man, yet goes from site to site focused on ONE WOMAN HE DOESN’T KNOW is nothing but an internet stalker. He wants your attention but knows you wouldn’t give him the time of day even if he were the last man on earth. So he comes out the gate like a little boy calling names and hurling what he thinks are insults.
Change the Game: The Art of Dressing Well for Women
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Follow the story of how a 20-something young woman learned the art of dressing well for women, and markedly changed both her social and professional path in just seven days.
7-21-13 Black Men vs White Men Which Is Better for the Modern Black Woman?
Black men are falling further behind socially, economically and educationally, and they tend to insist on a double sexual standard, female submission, and male dominance as a matter of course. In spite of these glaring losses in stock value, most black men still see themselves as a prize. “Everyone wants us, but nobody wants you!” is the taunt often levied at black females.
Single black female questions her attraction to white males
Single black female wonders why she has no interest in dating black males, prefers white males, and feels more comfortable with any non-black men than black males.
Why do Single Black Women Demand That Men Go to Church With Them?
Black women and their focus on church attendance causes problems in many relationships. Demanding that a man attend church services when he is not a religious person is a sure-fire way to end up single and lonely in your black church.
Match.Com’s Singles Survey Means Nothing for Black Women
Though the Match.Com 2012 Singles Survey is an impressive undertaking, I would caution Black women to avoid viewing the findings as anything more than humorous entertainment. This is a study primarily of White people for White people, and therefore it has little to do with the very real cultural differences in values and socialization of African Americans.
Seven Dumb Things Women Tell Each Other About Men and Relationships
There are dozens of silly things women tell each other about men, dating, love and relationships, these are the seven that cause the most damage to the female spirit.
Sexual Double Standards and The Virtuous Woman
Black men pass down, from generation to generation a mentality that judges and condemns women based on what has happened with one part of her body. When are men going to grow up?
Dating and Relationships – Are Most Black Men Sociopaths?
How many men exhibit the traits and attitudes of sociopaths towards women? Shockingly, it appears that the cheating, abusiveness, controlling attitudes and manipulative behaviors of men in relationships is straight out of the sociopath’s handbook!
Nine Types of Men You Should Never Date
Men come with baggage just as some women do. If you’re not looking for baggage or added stress to your life, take heed when dating these nine types of men.
Sex and the Single Church Woman
Sha’ Givens, author of SEX and the SINGLE CHURCH SISTER: How to Keep Your Dress On When You Want to Take it Off interviewed 3/18/11.
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