Tag: dating advice for men
Why do men pick a woman with their penis?
Forty year old man dating woman he admits is perfect but who he may hurt badly because he wants fireworks, not solid commitment and love.
Dating Tips for Men: How to Dump Proof Your Relationship
The effort most men put out to get a woman comes to a screeching halt once he is confident that she is his. But guys, that is a huge mistake.
Black Men – How to Love a Black Woman
A sad young man reflects on the errors he made in his former relationship and shares his newfound understanding to help other men avoid making the same mistakes.
How Nice Guys Can Develop The Player Edge That Women Love
Despite what the media says, women don’t necessarily look for men with nice, sensitive personalities. Women look for romantic intoxication. In plain language women go for men who can turn them on!
Why “Nice” Guys Suck and Women Don’t Want You!
Being a “nice guy” does not win you any brownie points in the dating game! Never has, never will. You win at dating when you give the opposite sex what they want.
Can We Ever Have a Drama Free Relationship?
Abandoned by his Mom as a child, a new boyfriend has issues with intimacy and has chosen crazy drama girls to date in the past. Should the new girlfriend expect changes or flee?
For Men: The Difference Between Interest and Desperation
He Says/She Says tackles the issue of rejection and dating for men. The authos explain the difference between showing interest in a woman and presenting oneself as desperate. Developing the ability to confidently show interest and approach a woman means guys must change their perspective and not be so attached to the outcome.
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