Tag: low self esteem in women

Child Sexual Abuse in the Black Community – Survey Results

. 01/11/2017 . 0 Comments

No one wants to talk about it, but child sexual abuse is the biggest “dirty little secret” in the black community, and has been for generations. This landmark study, with more than 8000 responses, gets to the heart of the matter of sexual abuse amongst African Americans.

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Moving Past the Fuckery of Black Women and BWE

. 12/20/2013 . 31 Comments

The BWE movement (Black Women’s Empowerment) is filled with black women who continue to hang onto a need for validation, acceptance and acknowledgement by black men. I believe it is a twisted need to feel something… anything… including pain.

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Book Announcement: The Black Church, Where Women Pray and Men Prey

. 05/10/2012 . 1 Comment

Controversial new book on the black church and the false prophets that lead them. How black women and children are manipulated and preyed upon in black churches for their time, energy, money and bodies.

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Dating Tips: Compromise Today Could Mean Misery Tomorrow

. 01/03/2012 . 1 Comment

A real life example of how compromise can be an injurious thing for a woman’s self-esteem and treatment in a relationship. When is it okay to compromise and when should a woman stand her ground?

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Women’s Self Esteem Attacked to Make a Buck

. 07/12/2011 . 0 Comments

There is a social attack on women’s bodies and self esteem, with the everyday women being compared in looks and performance to porn stars. Who stands to profit from women feeling bad about themselves? Advice columnist Deborrah Cooper provides her usual insightful analysis into several disturbing new trends that affect women and their bodies.

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Dumb Women That Fight Over Men

. 01/31/2011 . 0 Comments

What motivates some women to compete with other women over a man? Don’t they know he is laughing while he watches them disgrace themselves by fighting over him?

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Women, Self Esteem and Smart Dating Choices

. 12/06/2010 . 3 Comments

Self esteem means never begging for love or settling for less. A woman that values herself, her sexuality and heart would not try to maintain a relationship with a man that was not valuing and honoring her back.

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Beware of the Verbally Abusive Man Hiding in Plain Sight

. 09/01/2010 . 10 Comments

It really doesn’t matter why a man is verbally or psychologically abusive towards females, nor does it matter if the undercover abuse is purposeful or not, the damage to a woman’s self esteem and emotional stability if she listens to that bullshit is exactly the same, and it can be quite considerable.

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