Tag: male judgments of women

Women and Motherhood – Blessing or Curse?

. 05/03/2013 . 0 Comments

The whole thing about folks feeling like they have the power to decide what age a woman should stop having children, the power to control women’s options for birth control, and the power to dictate what women should and should not do with their own body is crazy. Who gets to decide if motherhood is the appropriate thing for a woman?

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Single Black Women: Are You a Fling or a Potential Wife?

. 03/01/2012 . 0 Comments

Single black women should be aware that from the moment a man first lays eyes on you, he begins to assess you as either a serious relationship partner and potential wife, or a booty call fling.

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Do married women appreciate how hard their husband works?

. 10/19/2011 . 1 Comment

Is it true that married women don’t show much appreciation for their hard working husbands and his efforts at supporting the family and her? Ms. HeartBeat shares her thoughts.

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Are Women the New Men?

. 02/16/2011 . 57 Comments

Women feel it is their responsibility to help a man achieve the basic necessities of manhood. They feel it is their duty to invest their time and energy in order to ‘help a man out’. Does this make women the new men? What has become the role of the man?

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The Male Struggle for Control of Female Sexuality

. 09/29/2009 . 15 Comments

A male reader writes in to share his thoughts on his belief that women not only lose value if they have multiple lovers, but that any woman can easily have 300 lovers in one year since all she has to do is have a vagina and give her consent. Why are some men so fixated on a woman’s purity as the sole source of her worth and value as a person?

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