Tag: murder suicides

Day 15 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: Killing Ex-Girlfriends

. 04/03/2013 . 2 Comments

Online and offline, men are angry when women resist being under their control. Why is it so difficult for men to accept that a relationship has ended and the solution to their pain is killing their ex-girlfriend?

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Why Women Should Stop Having Children

. 12/07/2009 . 34 Comments

My lobby against women having children has begun. You ladies limit your options when you are saddled down with some knucklehead’s child. You give him power over you to drag you into court, something to threaten to take from you, something he can hurt in a twisted attempt to hurt you. When you have children and are raising them alone, you will end up broke and tied down. You cannot go out and have fun anymore because you have responsibilities. You end up overwhelmed, frustrated, and often viewed by other men as being unworthy of being anything more than a roll in the hay because now you are “used goods.”

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