Tag: physical abuse

Domestic Violence and Dating Abuse

. 09/12/2014 . 0 Comments

If you’ve endured abuse – punching, slapping, kicking, choking, arm twisting, forced intercourse, threats of violence to you, your pets or your children, hair pulling etc. by a romantic partner, friend, family member or stranger, please share your story.

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Day 15 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: Killing Ex-Girlfriends

. 04/03/2013 . 2 Comments

Online and offline, men are angry when women resist being under their control. Why is it so difficult for men to accept that a relationship has ended and the solution to their pain is killing their ex-girlfriend?

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Creflo Dollar Black Women Black Church Normalized Abuse and Violence

. 06/10/2012 . 40 Comments

When does a parent meting out just punishment cross the line and become terrorizing, physically abusing and degrading a child? How can anyone believe such treatment of a child in a case such as this is with Creflo Dollar an appropriate form of discipline?

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