Tag: psychological abuse
Black Men and Sexual Addiction
In my work in sex addiction therapy, I come across men of all ethnic backgrounds struggling in this area. While the White sex addict may have just as many partners as the Black addict (some with over 200 partners while with their spouse), there is one major difference. Can you guess what it is? It’s the condom. The tendency is for white guys to act out sexually taking more precautions to use a condom while black men ignore the need for contraception, thus perpetuating the trend of single-mothers left to fend for themselves.
Beware of the Verbally Abusive Man Hiding in Plain Sight
It really doesn’t matter why a man is verbally or psychologically abusive towards females, nor does it matter if the undercover abuse is purposeful or not, the damage to a woman’s self esteem and emotional stability if she listens to that bullshit is exactly the same, and it can be quite considerable.
Mind Over Emotion: The Woes of Loving the Intellectual Man
My advice to women is if you are with men who come from the intellectual ivory tower, mentality you may find someone who lacks feelings/emotions and ability to make emotional connections. They are emotionally walled off (to varying degrees some more than others). Depending on the severity of their emotional disconnect, they can break your heart as they never put the emotion into the relationship that you do. Women often feel drained dry.
The “Stupid Muthafucka!” Gene
Some singles are so anxious for love they rush into commitments with stupid people they really don’t know much about. The older and wiser I get, the more I’ve come to realize the importance of taking the time to assess the personality, health history and attitudes of potential mates with a critical eye to their genetics. Why? Because stupidity is carried in the genes!
Jerks, Assholes, Idiots and Abusive Men: Recognizing Verbal Abuse
Five common tactics abusive men use to derail female confidence. The goal for abusive men is to belittle and insult you so often that you shut down. He wants to be able to treat you any way he likes, and for you to take it without complaint because you’re so beaten down you believe his words to be true.
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