Tag: relationship advice for women
Can Church Help a Cheating Alcoholic Change?
With his marriage in shambles, an alcoholic cheating husband takes to church and religion – but will that really help long-term?
What’s Going on In My Relationship?
Can a man be TOO nice and considerate to his wife? Not normally, but in this case the wife has lost respect and is behaving like a bratty child. Ms. HeartBeat tells him to drop da hamma on her!
Advice Young Women Need When Dating Older Men
Many young women are dating older men without a clue as to the differences they will encounter in the future. Men have left marriages for women 10+ years younger, gone into depressions, had children late in life they regret having, and much more.
Who Really Makes the First Move, Men or Women?
Author John D. Husband explores the issue from both sides of the gender fence and explains why men need encouragement from women to approach and why men will go to such great lengths to avoid being humiliated, embarrassed, diminished, ridiculed, or told the truth.
Single Women: Avoid the Dream Weaving Lover
The Magical Dream Weaving lover fills your head full of possibilities and promises, but he never actually busts a grape to make anything he says a reality. Learn how to recognize this type of guy!
Why Black Women Are Their Own Worst Enemy
It saddens me to see educated, professional Black women share invalidating, denigrating commentary with other Black women. Every time you read or hear something which negates your intelligence, desirability, skin color, marriageability or morals – your self-esteem is damaged. You are doing the work of racists FOR THEM by promoting and marketing their product of hate. You are the sole reason their messages of hate are going viral.
Submissive Women Have the Happiest Relationships?
Why is it that Black men are so enamored of the concept of female submission? Do such relationships last longer? Are they happier for both the man and woman or just the man?
Sex and the Single Church Woman
Sha’ Givens, author of SEX and the SINGLE CHURCH SISTER: How to Keep Your Dress On When You Want to Take it Off interviewed 3/18/11.
The Pair and a Spare Dating Program
Women need to stop trying to be “good girls” and instead stand up for their rights when it comes to dating. Tell men straight up: “hey, I am dating around to find the right fit. You might be that guy, but until I spend more time with you and get to know you better, I am going to continue dating a few guys. You should do the same.”
Should Women Propose Marriage to Men?
Should a woman that wants to get married take the bull by the horns and propose marriage to her guy? What are the pros and cons of a woman proposing marriage?
WTF Are You Having That Nothing Ass Man’s Baby For?
Being a mother comes with huge financial responsibilities as well as mental/emotional obligations. Providing food, clothing and shelter is just the tip of the iceberg. Children brought up in broken family units or one that has only one parent in it right from the start, tend to have more social and behavioral problems as compared to those who were raised by both parents. Statistics show that individuals, who are single parents are more likely to live in poverty, especially “baby mommas”, as they tend to be younger and less educated.
Mind Over Emotion: The Woes of Loving the Intellectual Man
My advice to women is if you are with men who come from the intellectual ivory tower, mentality you may find someone who lacks feelings/emotions and ability to make emotional connections. They are emotionally walled off (to varying degrees some more than others). Depending on the severity of their emotional disconnect, they can break your heart as they never put the emotion into the relationship that you do. Women often feel drained dry.
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