Tag: relationship advice
Black Men – How to Love a Black Woman
A sad young man reflects on the errors he made in his former relationship and shares his newfound understanding to help other men avoid making the same mistakes.
10/23/10 – How to Spot a Loser!
Tonight we’ll discuss the questions you can ask and share experiences as well as tips on what to look for that will let you know he or she is a stone cold LOSER.
8-31-2010 Ladies, Can You Pass “The ‘Ho Test?”
We will discuss how women ‘ho and the differences between being an incidental ho and a professional who has made ho’ing a lifestyle choice. We’ll also discuss how men test to see if you ARE a ‘ho or not!
Why Black Women Put Professional Black Men on ‘NIGNORE’
Men write me frequently to get my take on why Black women complain that they “can’t find a good Black man” or “can’t find a Black man on my level” when they are surrounded by educated, professional Black men. It made me wonder too. Why a guy, with all the outward appearances of a highly desirable catch (college educated, established, an “on point” Black man) would be passed over by women for romance and marriage. Well, I have some answers.
Relationships and On Point Men Discussed 7/25/2010
So you meet a Black man that has good credit, an education, owns a home, and has a viable and legal source of income. He hasn’t been in prison and he is looking for a wife. Perfect, right? Well… he considers himself to be “on point” and therefore, superior to other men. Part of his belief […]
If You Didn’t Provide it For Yourself, It’s Not SELF Esteem!
Women with low self-esteem make poor choices in men out of fearful desperation. Women must stop allowing men to impact or control in any way their self image, and thereby damage or control their SELF esteem.
Can Exes Be Just Friends?
Can exes be friends? Sure they CAN, but what would be the point? Someone is just going to try to cock-block or get back in where you don’t want them to be, flip out with jealousy, or be all up in your business. When its over, let it be over and move on.
Women Are Socialized to be Codependent
My working definition of codependency is anyone involved with someone else that worries more in a role where they take care of that person and worry more about that person’s needs, wants, feelings and actions than they do their own. Aren’t women deemed to be better wives, mothers and human beings when they behave in a codependent manner and condemned as selfish bitches when they have firm boundaries?
Don’t Waste Your Time on a Fearful Defeatist
Some people submit to defeat quickly. Their fear of failure causes them to settle for mediocrity instead of taking the risk to achieve excellence. Defeatist attitudes are easier to assume than facing one’s fears and moving forward. However, the courageous, those that become successful and leaders, those that make things happen never stop, never give up and never succumb willingly to defeat. The #1 goal of the courageous winner is to get to the other side of fear and the limitations fear places on our willingness to seek and then achieve greatness. Whatever you need to do, get over your fears!
10 Things Women Do That Drive Men Away
The ten item list contained in this article may anger many women. This isn’t a list of complaints, it’s information intended to provide women with insight into what men are thinking; it’s a bridge across the communication gap. After all, without straight and candid communication, we can’t solve the issues that threaten to end so many relationships. Use these ten issues as a starting point for a dialogue with your husband, the man in your life, or a male friend. Such an open discussion will give you even more insight and help to improve your relationship.
Why Women Should Stop Having Children
My lobby against women having children has begun. You ladies limit your options when you are saddled down with some knucklehead’s child. You give him power over you to drag you into court, something to threaten to take from you, something he can hurt in a twisted attempt to hurt you. When you have children and are raising them alone, you will end up broke and tied down. You cannot go out and have fun anymore because you have responsibilities. You end up overwhelmed, frustrated, and often viewed by other men as being unworthy of being anything more than a roll in the hay because now you are “used goods.”
We Broke Up – How Can We Be Friends?
I have never understood why people insist on being friends with an ex! Why continue to put emotional energy towards something that does not exist? Why torture yourself by hanging around and talking to someone in a situation that has a very low potential to become what you wanted it to be? The clock is ticking! Why not re-invest your emotional energy into the possibilities of finding someone else that wants to direct their romantic energy towards you?
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