Tag: relationships
The 10 Reasons Your Goofy Butt Didn’t Get a Second Date
With each new person you date there is excitement and hopeful anticipation. Of course not every date is going to go the distance or anywhere at all. But if you are one of those folks that have a hard time getting a second date with everyone you meet, it’s time to examine your behavior and make sure you aren’t making any of these ten dating blunders.
How Do Relationships Become “Official” These Days?
Single men and women must never assume that they have a committed relationship or a “boyfriend/girlfriend” just because they’ve been on 5, 10 or even 500 dates, slept together, are living together, or have even had a baby. Unless the details of their association have been discussed in great detail, expectations and abilities to meet said expectations have been ironed out, and both parties sign on the dotted line, there is no “relationship.”
Bitch Made “Good Men” In the Dating Pool
I’m tired of men that feel they are “Good men” touting their goodness like it’s a badge of honor, a trophy, something that entitles them to more or better or what they want. In the mating game your “goodness” means absolutely nothing. You telling women over and over why we should pick you instead of the exciting, sexy, fun guy makes you sound like a whining punk. Here are my reasons why I and a great many women totally ignore “good guys” when choosing a man.
Strange Life Lessons Movies Have Taught Us
During all police investigations it will be necessary to visit a strip joint at least once. All beds have special L-shaped top sheets which reach up to armpit level on a woman but only to waist level on the man lying beside her. It’s easy for anyone to land a plane providing there is […]
Why Are So Many Women Opting to STAY Single?
The vision that most people have of marriage and what they expect to get out of such a union is nothing but a mirage… a vision that they imagine exists but which does not and probably never has. Alvin Hollinger III and Deborrah Cooper give their gender-based opinions on single women and the issue of marriage.
You Don’t Know HOW To Date!
The last U.S. Census report stated that for the first time in the history of the U.S., we have a higher population of single adults in this country than we do married. Are most of us single by choice – finding a life of aloneness to be preferable? Or are we stymied by our lack […]
I Need a Break from Dating
When I think about going on a date I no longer get excited. Nor do I wonder if he could be \”the one.\” What I think now about dating is: \”Crap! Do I have to?\”
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