Tag: single men and women

10 Texting Rules for Dating Singles – Texting Guidelines and Dating Etiquette

. 02/20/2015 . 2 Comments

Text messaging isn’t necessarily a tool of the devil, but there can be quite a bit of misinterpretation and miscommunication if you don’t follow texting rules. Texting is a great way to stay connected to someone you are madly in love with, and a useful tool to touch base with casual or new dating partners. Ten great texting rules for proper dating etiquette for singles.

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This is NOT A Free Speech Zone

. 03/26/2013 . 1 Comment

You have no rights of free speech on this web page. You speak like you have some sense and your comments will be posted. You can disagree with anything written here, but you best do it in a respectful way. Pretend like your momma is reading it and check yourself.

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Advice Young Women Need When Dating Older Men

. 10/03/2011 . 0 Comments

Many young women are dating older men without a clue as to the differences they will encounter in the future. Men have left marriages for women 10+ years younger, gone into depressions, had children late in life they regret having, and much more.

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Sailing The Seven C’s of Love and Communication

. 05/09/2010 . 0 Comments

There are seven primary behavioral patterns which dictate the success or failure of a romantic partnership. To encourage honest communication, respectful treatment and unyielding commitment to your relationship, try following these seven suggestions.

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