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Women make the mistake of being so giving, so loving, so pleasing, so sweet and gentle to men all the time thinking that is the key to his heart and making him love them more. In reality that shit bor…
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Controlling, jealous, possessive behaviors have no place in loving relationships; and neither does disrespectful flirting, threatening your partner with abandonment, or cheating. When you truly believ…
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Breeding the Next Generation of Slaves and Profit for Private Prisons
The African American community has the highest rate in the U.S. of single parent homes. Statistically speaking, the children of single parents are at greatest risk of sexual and physical abuse, child…
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Interracial relationships, though quite commonplace in 2020, are still confusing to some parents, and downright frowned upon by others. Does love really come painted in a specific color?…
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Advice seeker is a single Mom of two toddlers, about to graduate who wonders why her mother won't allow her to move in for awhile to help ease her burden. Deb explains in detail why the choices we mak…
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You have no rights of free speech on this web page. You speak like you have some sense and your comments will be posted. You can disagree with anything written here, but you best do it in a respectful way. Pretend like your momma is reading it and check yourself.
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