Tag: why are men stupid

The “Stupid Muthafucka!” Gene

. 06/20/2010 . 13 Comments

Some singles are so anxious for love they rush into commitments with stupid people they really don’t know much about. The older and wiser I get, the more I’ve come to realize the importance of taking the time to assess the personality, health history and attitudes of potential mates with a critical eye to their genetics. Why? Because stupidity is carried in the genes!

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Flying Your ‘Freak’ Flag… Sometimes it Needs to Be at Half Mast

. 08/03/2009 . 3 Comments

I’ve noticed that a great many men seem to have little patience or perhaps its restraint, when it comes to initiating sexually oriented conversation with women they barely know. What is the behind this rude ungentlemanly-like conduct? Why come at someone like a hooker and insult every woman you meet running your same, tired game when, if you acted like you had some sense and manners and graciousness, you’d get what you want a lot sooner and she’d be thrilled to give it to you? Men are dumb.

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