Tag: why women love

What Makes a Man Afraid of Commitment?

. 11/06/2016 . 4 Comments

There is nothing wrong with saying you are afraid of something! Fear is a normal human emotion just like being angry, being sad, being happy. But the bottom line is women are AFRAID of being abandoned and behave accordingly, and men are AFRAID of commitment and losing options, and they behave accordingly as well. Each gender finds reasons to justify their behaviors and reasons for running away from commitment.

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What’s Going on In My Relationship?

. 10/15/2011 . 0 Comments

Can a man be TOO nice and considerate to his wife? Not normally, but in this case the wife has lost respect and is behaving like a bratty child. Ms. HeartBeat tells him to drop da hamma on her!

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Dating Tips for Men: How to Dump Proof Your Relationship

. 02/07/2011 . 3 Comments

The effort most men put out to get a woman comes to a screeching halt once he is confident that she is his. But guys, that is a huge mistake.

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How Nice Guys Can Develop The Player Edge That Women Love

. 08/31/2010 . 57 Comments

Despite what the media says, women don’t necessarily look for men with nice, sensitive personalities. Women look for romantic intoxication. In plain language women go for men who can turn them on!

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Does Love Make Women Stupid?

. 06/20/2010 . 1 Comment

Love and females – how women deal with love, what love means to women, and the trouble women get into when they put their love of someone else in front of their love for themselves. Some women will go to any lengths to “protect” their man. Fighting, lying, criminal acts are included in some of […]

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Why Are So Many Women Opting to STAY Single?

. 06/12/2009 . 5 Comments

The vision that most people have of marriage and what they expect to get out of such a union is nothing but a mirage… a vision that they imagine exists but which does not and probably never has. Alvin Hollinger III and Deborrah Cooper give their gender-based opinions on single women and the issue of marriage.

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Strong Reasons Make Strong Actions

. 05/21/2009 . 0 Comments

 "Strong reasons make strong actions." — William Shakespeare (1564-1616)   Did ole Willy have to date?  I believe the whole mating thing was done a bit differently back in his day.  My understanding is that one’s parents figured out who might be a good match for the family as a whole, then you were "assigned" […]

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