The Black Man’s Blind Dating Rules

. 10/01/2011 . 2 Comments

Controlling the Outcome

Do not succumb to the “I think I’m worth it” attitude that many women display. If you handle your business you will always stay in control of things. Here are some examples you can use to get off on the right foot:

Never bring flowers or gifts on the first date. This shows as a sign of desperation by one’s desire to please…give the gift of yourself and wait before you give a personal gift. She’ll appreciate it more knowing that she has earned this part of your attention & affection. Remember…it is always important to remain a challenge.

Show up in shape. Women judge men at first glance…so if she becomes overly quiet, argumentative, or complains, then she is not attracted to you physically and is just along for the ride or trying o be polite. You don’t have to be the most handsome man in the world, but when you pack some muscle it changes a woman’s whole demeanor and attitude toward you. She’s now giddy, congenial, aiming to please, and that’s where you want her. Don’t forget to play it cool and remain a challenge.

Do not talk sex, politics, & religion. Keep things light…sex talk will not impress your date into liking you if she is not attracted to you already. This is a major turnoff and sabotages many good dates. Some things need to be left to the imagination. As far as politics and religion goes…did you not know that if you do not agree with a woman’s political and religious views this will mark the end of the romance? Do yourself a favor and do not subject yourself to such narrow mindedness.

I also recommend that you inconvenience your date. Do things that will require her to go out of her way to meet you. Leave the car at home and walk, ride the bus, or take the train on your date. Perhaps go to a park or zoo which requires nonstop walking and see if she is the lazy pampered type or a woman who enjoys your company enough to do whatever. Remember, a woman who is attracted to you will not mind a little inconvenience to win your heart.

Be a complete gentleman. This is very subjective because today many “independent women” see men who open doors, pull out seats, and help them with their coat as wanting to control her. Some may even feel that these gestures are corny and not thuggish ruggish enough to provide her dating excitement. On the other hand those who are not on a feminist or thug smitten mission will accept these courteous gestures graciously and appreciatively. It is better to be a complete gentleman than for you to be criticized hypocritically by some mixed up chicks do not appreciate the value of chivalry.

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Be yourself. Do not try to play the “bad boy” role or act out of character to impress your date. Saying crazy things to liven things up, participating in truth or dares, or making silly bets will only have you make a fool out of yourself as she gets you to do outrageous things for her attention. Do not play yourself…be yourself!

Never ask how she feels about you. Too many guys come off insecure and desperate asking a woman how she feels about them on the first date. A woman loves the intrigue, mystery, and challenge of meeting an attractive man and wondering how he feels about her…am i pretty enough, am i shapely enough, am i smart enough etc…and thus is eager to have those questions answered. If you are not that attractive you can still charm her and win her heart with your other qualities, but don’t try to over sell or under sell yourself. Let her draw her own conclusion about you and keeping her intrigued while remaining a mystery and challenge.

Do not discuss past relationships. Past relationships are just that…in the past. Do not try to impress nor garner sympathy by discussing past relationships. If the infamous question of “what happened to your last relationship” comes up you can politely return the question with “what do you mean by what happened” forcing her to appear nosey. Follow that with “i do not care to discuss my past relationship I’d rather learn more about you and your interests.” No harm no foul keep it moving and keep it light.

Do not agree to a double date. Especially, with her best girlfriend…this is the making for disaster. You cannot get to know your date intimately while she is giggling and having a grand ol’ time with her best friend. Furthermore, if you agree to such an arrangement she will not have respect for you, since she’ll be shirking the responsibility of getting to know you intimately…and with you paying the bill she’ll enjoy this free ride even more.

Control your humor. While women love humor you don’t have to turn the first date into Def Comedy Jam. Done right, humor can open things up by bringing a smile to her face and keeping things light, but do not let her form a comic view of you, which could diminish her respect. Too much humor can make her not take you seriously thus sabotaging her romantic interest, and the objective of the date is romance.


(continued on page three below)

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