The Black Man’s Blind Dating Rules

. 10/01/2011 . 2 Comments

Furthermore, do not use her as a source of your comedic material or punch lines…this is a sure fire way to kill the romance kissing a second date good-bye. So, temper your humor and make sure in the end she is laughing with you and not at you.

Do not talk about yourself excessively. It is okay to answer questions about yourself but keep it brief and to the point. Do not throw all of your marbles on the table. Leave something to her imagination. Women love to fantasize and being mysterious allows them to envision you as a potential “knight in shining armor,” and talking excessively about yourself to the point of bragging will knock you right out of her dreams quickly.

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Focus the conversation on her trying to obtain as much insight into her personality as possible. Do not pry but make sure to ask some poignant questions like…”where do you work and describe your position and the people you work with.” This question will give you insight as to what type of person she is and how receptive she is to responsibility, authority, and how she deals with others.

Make sure to listen carefully and do not be judgmental nor offer corrective measures, just pay close attention to her degree of reaction and proceed accordingly.

End the date first with a kiss. Try to keep the date short and sweet on the highest note possible. Leave her wanting more do not milk the date. Walk her to her door and seal the deal with a hug and a kiss on the lips…if she obliges then it means she’s feeling you. If she pulls away from the kiss or hugs and pats your back she is not feeling you. Be a gentleman and just give her a hug and do not kiss her on the cheek nor accept a kiss on the cheek.

If you still want to date her give her a hug the next two dates and go for a kiss on the lips on the third. If she still pulls away then don’t waste your time with her. This means she is not feeling you romantically and is milking you for dates. Remember…the caliber of kiss and hug is a way to tell if she is interested in you romantically.

Last but not least…

Pay for all date expenditures. If you ask her out you pay for the date…do not allow her to pay your way since you will never live it down should things go sour. Women place a lot on finance and it is really not worth it to find yourself bickering over nickels and dimes with her.

You pay you stay in control…just make sure you control where the date takes place. Do not be upset if she orders lobster at a seafood restaurant…remember they don’t serve lobster at McDonald’s, so take that as a hint not to go on dates you clearly cannot afford.


Yo Rome Writes…
The Black Man’s Blind Dating Rules

©2001, 2008, 2011 by Romare

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