The “Stupid Muthafucka!” Gene

. 06/20/2010 . 13 Comments

Consider Genetics Before You Choose a Mate…
The Stupid Muthafucka Syndrome Is an Inherited Trait

Some psychologists believe that behavior and attitudes are a learned response. However, similar personality and behavioral traits are evidenced, even when children grow up without ever laying eyes on their actual biological parents. I believe that there is a super-dominant gene, as yet undiscovered by research scientists, but which I have cleverly identified as “The Stupid Muthafucka!” gene.

Gene Pool or Cesspool?

Scientific studies have proven that we acquire many of our physical and emotional traits from our parents. Diseases like sickle cell and breast cancer, as well as learning disabilities, and bad backs are transferred from parent to child. Talents, dispositions, and personality traits are also passed through the genes.

The mentality and behaviors set out above are part of a family’s gene pool. Ignoring the fact that your partner has schizophrenia, addictive behaviors, depression, violence, criminalistic behaviors, or just plain stupidity in his or her family lineage will come back and bite you in the butt later.
Stupid men transfer the stupid gene to their offspring.
What Did You Say?!?

Flash back to 7th grade biology. You might remember that each of your parents carried 23 chromosomes which joined together to create you. Chromosomes determine everything we get from our parents, from hair and eye color to gender. Whether you are born a male or female depends on the presence or absence of certain chromosomes. And whether you are suffering from The Stupid Muthafucka Syndrome (TSMS) or not depends on the presence or absence of certain chromosomes as well, I’m convinced of it.

Dominant genes are the more common traits found in humans such as brown eyes, dark hair, and normal pigment in your skin. Examples of recessive genes are blonde or red hair, thin lips, grey or blue eyes, and albinism. I firmly believe that the Stupid Muthafucka gene is a dominant and not a recessive gene. It also crosses all racial and ethnic divides, and is in evidence in men and women worldwide.

Look around! There are more and more stupid muthafuckas crossing our paths every day! The Stupid Muthafucka gene is being passed along from generation to generation, just like genes for eye color and height.

The Stupid Muthafucka Gene in Action!

If your child’s father is an abusive, violent thug, chances are your son is going to grow up with similar anger management issues. If your baby’s daddy is greedy, selfish, and thinks you are there strictly to serve him and meet his needs, chances are your children are going to grow up displaying the same mentality.

There is a lot of undiagnosed mental illness, especially in the black community where seeking mental health counseling is frowned upon and viewed as weakness. That means if your husband or baby daddy a mental disorder called borderline personality disorder, his problems will impact his and your life on the daily. It may result in unstable relationships, extreme emotions, impulsiveness, and a distorted image of oneself. There is often an intense feeling of fear of abandonment or trouble being alone. Anger that is inappropriate, impulsive, and frequent may make others want to distance themselves from this crazy ass fool. You’re the only one that thinks you can save him.

Scientists believe that there is a hereditary predisposition for the disorder. This includes having sisters, brothers, a mother, or father with the same or a similar condition. Therefore, those who have a stressful childhood (neglect, abuse, or other issues due to mental health issues or crackheadism of the parents) are also at risk. Your child will inherit the stupid muthafucka gene for sure.

Inability to self motivate is also inherited. If your child’s father thinks a hard days work is sitting on the couch playing X-Box and smoking weed, your children are likely to grow up to exhibit the same types of non-dynamic, escapist behaviors.

If your child’s mother is an emotionally unbalanced, low self-esteem having fool with a bad understanding, you can bet one or more of your children will turn out exactly the same way. If your child’s mother is high strung, insecure, needy or a pathological liar, you can bet your offspring will display many if not all of the same mind-blowing personality characteristics.

Tips for Recognizing The Stupid Muthafucka Syndrome

The key to dating success is to learn to recognize when you have met someone suffering from TSMS so you can avoid further involvement right off the bat. Stupid mofos are like leeches… they attach themselves to a host to survive as they drain you dry of money, joy and peace of mind.


(continued on page 2 below)


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Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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