Why Black Women Should Never Submit to Black Men

. 09/26/2011 . 37 Comments

Never mind that everyone else in the household has to suffer along with you for making a poor decision not in the best interest of anyone and does nothing positive but satisfy your ego. You are content with taking that risk because you are the leader and your woman and children must submit to you.

Male sexual energy has nothing to do with them being better leaders, so again that is no justification. What it means is that without women men would resort to homosexual rapists and pack animals. Without women to impregnate and bear children, men would die. Without women men have no purpose and no use.

They can’t do anything without women. Can’t even be men without reflecting their masculine energy against the feminine and comparing women’s softness and emotional nature to their negative hardness and callousness. Which men prefer to believe is superior to women’s innate connection to other people, the planet, the moon, the sun, the stars, the tides of the ocean and every life form on the planet.

Men put down women’s emotional nature in order to feel better about their cold heartlessness and lack of concern for anyone’s needs or opinions but their own. Men are admittedly selfish, self-centered, and beastly by nature. It is only with a woman’s guiding hand and words that men are taught life lessons of importance and become anything other than animals operating with their lizard brain.

Many men confuse leadership with abuse of women. One can be a leader only if one has followers, otherwise you are just taking a walk. Women are wary of men that demand they be placed in a position of leadership.  Why? Because men are unclear on what it means to lead and instead are heavy handed, domineering, controlling, dictatorial and drunk with power. Such wide-spread behavior towards women hardly supports males being placed in a position of leadership over women. Men have nothing that entitles them to be considered superior to females; nothing that makes them smarter, better, or more qualified to lead anyone or anything.

What many Black men don’t seem to understand is that accomplished Black women will not accept mediocrity.  If a woman does not see that man as worthy, he will not be allowed the privilege to walk BEHIND her, let alone beside her. In essence, Brothas need to step their game up. Stay in school and stop dropping out! Stop hanging on the corner and running the streets with your stupid ass friends, getting into trouble and going to prison! Get a job. Get two if you can. Stay at work and in school and stay focused on achievement and being greater. Do not accept mediocrity as millions of Black men do if you want the respect and support of Black women.

SurvivingDating columnist BrooklynBluBird weighed in on the subject with this mind-blowing comment:

Maurice…normally, any time a man starts talking that submission shit, I AUTOMATICALLY get ready for a fight and rear up on my hind legs for rounds 1 thru 100. But I am at least able to see where you are coming from, even if I don’t agree with the reasons WHY you believe what you believe. But as I reviewed your arguments used to support your notions, I find certain presuppositions, that inevitably, make the foundation on which you build your premise, a rocky one.

Firstly, this thing about sexual energy. It is quite a big falsehood that men have stronger sexual energy then women. Because we base most things in this world on the MALE value system of worth, hierarchy and importance, we tend to measure things by their outward expression…what SEEMS to be the most obvious based on the least amount of deeper analysis, required. So, since men seem to always want to have sex, it is then ASSUMED that men have stronger sex drives. When in fact, it is the human female body, which is BUILT for sex.

With our ability to have full body and multiple orgasms, the lack of a specific ‘mating season’ or estrus, found in other primates, and the development of the clitoris, with unlike the males sex organs, is COMPLETELY separate from her reproductive system, and allows her to achieve sexual pleasure WITHOUT dropping an egg or going into ovulation – the things that will cause inception, the human female is actually designed to be MORE sexual then the male. We are all assuming that the human female has a lower sex drive, but the problem is, we have no control for the experiment.

Almost every group of female women have been inundated with conditioning, traditions and values that teach her to repress her sexuality and attach shame or some other form of punitive feeling, to HER sexual desire. Women’s bodies are used to barter for love, provision and protection, and for several Milena, we have been taught, that sex is not OURS, but a ‘gift’ we give to the male, in exchange for goods and services. That being the reality, OF COURSE the sex drive of the female will SEEM less virulent then the males. She is forced to attach so much more to her desire to screw, then he is. And this is NOT nature’s design… but mans.

We have all bought into the notion that during the human evolutionary process, the male ‘protected’ the female from outside dangers, and in exhange, the female gave him exclusive access to her vagina and her womb. But emerging evidence is showing, that this is NOT how we developed, and that prior to about 6000 years ago, women actually were the the CENTRAL force of most of human civilization, and that she experienced a sexual freedom that most of us couldn’t dream about, nowadays! Paternity of children was NOT important, and the children were considered to belong to the GROUP, no the male.

So there were many less restrictions of female sexuality, and a less of an emphasis on male paternity. The children were taken care of by the GROUP, which included the males. Sexual jealousy was rare, and men DID NOT base their masculinity off of the need to CONTROL a household and the pussy with in it. Matter of fact, i have read, that up until very recently (recently in terms of overall human development), there wasn’t even a word for ‘father’.

The closest thing to that was ‘uncle’ and all the men of the clan of child baring age were referred to as UNCLE. But they still participated in the society and helped maintain and support the group. Matter of fact, it was actually the MALES who acted in a supportive capacity, as opposed to the females. It was HE who was the …’help mate’. Which, if you look at nature, makes the most sense.

Women do most of the work and create most of the culture. It was when some males decided to abuse their power, and physical strength, that the IMBALANCE we all know to be ‘normal’, was created. But just because its what we see, NOW, doesn’t mean its how we always were…or how we are designed to be.

Secondly, your concept of ‘submission’ is a lofty one, and actually sounds pretty cool, in theory. You keep stressing how submission is not rulership and is not automatically a demeaning word. Then i say, tell black men to WILLINGLY ‘submit’ to the obvious power, strength and mental superiority (or manipulation skills, depending on how you see it) of the white male, and just ACCEPT he has bested you, and fall in line. SUBMIT to him.

It doesn’t make you less of a person. Its not that you are…inferior. SUBMIT to him. and PERHAPS, he will show you good will, and allow you to live, although not with as much power or success as him, but without all the strife and stress you feel now. I mean, since SUBMISSION isn’t about POWER over another, Black men should have no problem ‘submitting’ to those who have PROVEN they are stronger, think in bigger terms, and have the means to control the resources.

You know…just like how men are stronger then women, think bigger (in terms of how to conquer shit) and control the resources, thereby creating a FORCED dependency that we should then happily submit to?

See how that thought makes you as a black male feel, just at the mere mention of it? Well, that’s what I and other women feel like when we hear folks try to change the meaning of a word, from what it means.

A better term to describe what YOU are speaking of, is YIELDING. Each party yields to the other, for the greater good of the whole. No one is on top. NO one is the ULTIMATE yielder.  LOL! They both yield to each others needs, up until the point where those needs begin to encroach upon each persons rights as a human being. THEN, they stop.

THAT seems to be what you are describing, in your definition of ‘submission’.


(continued on page three below)

16 Votes


Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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