Why Black Women Should Never Submit to Black Men

. 09/26/2011 . 37 Comments

Interestingly, it seems female submission is a key point of contention in Black male/female relationships. With close to 50% of the African American female population over the age of 18 single and never married, and another 20% divorced or widowed, Black women are in a unique social position.  Would Black women experience higher rates of marriage and marital satisfaction if they bought into the concept of submission to Black men?

BrooklynBluBird shared her thoughts:

The problem with the premise of submission, is that it requires ONE PARTY, to place ultimate trust in the hand of the other party, thereby leaving themselves VULNERABLE in ways that can be threatening, not only for themselves, but for their offspring. In your definition, the female submits to the males NATURAL desire to lead and be in control, and the male submits to the females NATURAL desire to cherished and adored. And i have to admit, your description of it actually didn’t sound so bad.  I found my mind being carried away, to some far off utopian world, on another planet, where folks just ‘submitted’ to each others needs, none valuing their willingness to submit, over the other, none trying to dominate the other. just flowers and rainbows, and delightful mix of masculine and feminine, exploding in endless days of happiness and children, and endless nights of ecstasy and passion.

Yeah. You almost had me there.

But then, a fire engine drove past my window, and the sirens shocked by ass BACK into coherence, and i came down out the clouds, back into the REAL world, and all the dysfunctions that lay within it.

As nice as it would be to believe that if a woman just finds the ‘right male’, she can ‘submit’ to his need to lead and willingness to, if necessary, die for his family, and in exchange he will have all of her emotional, financial, mental, spiritual and psychological needs met (by this ONE guy). But history has shown, that males cannot be trusted with this set up. Y’all become power hungry…your Egos take over, an next thing you know, you have shit like foot binding, prostitution, mistresses, female genital mutilation and stoning for adulteresses.

Males have, SYSTEMATICALLY, for literally thousands of years, created institutions, systems, economic structures, religions, sexual norms, family structures, educational systems, paradigms and norms, that have marginalized the female, imprisoned her and stolen all her personal power from her, before she is even born! YOU CANNOT BE TRUSTED. so this set up of mutual exchange…submission based on MUTUAL love and respect,where none take advantage, and the woman, already in a position of vulnerability physically, is not also kept as a brood mare,forced to pump out babies and help the male build his own little personal empire…his own little KINGSHIP ….

Well, let’s just say, that as LOVELY as your ideals sound, HISTORY has proven, that males cannot be trusted to live up to their end of the bargain. Males TOOK the position of power, BY FORCE, and then have proceeded to do EVERYTHING to keep that position, INCLUDING mind fucking the female SO BADLY, that she is no longer even connected to her OWN sexuality…her own desires and own LEADERSHIP abilities.

And let me tell you something…and please pass this around to your brethren, so that we can put this “men should be the leader cuz y’all are willing to do die so we can live’ bullshit to rest.

More women die in childbirth, every year, on this planet, then men, in wars, or fighting lions, tigers and bears. So, if there is ANYONE who has proven, the willingness, to put their life on the line, so that humans can go on, it is us women. We LITERALLY RISK OUR LIVES, every time we lay down with one of you fools. We risk our very existence, so that YOU can exist. So…please, let’s stop with that y’all take more risks’ shit. It’s simply not true.

Ask ANY woman who has carried a child. Ask any woman who has given birth. We sacrifice our own damned bodies, for Christsakes! And we do it…OVER and OVER and OVER again. Not just to birth the FEMALE children, but males, as well. And then, instead of flushing your asses down the toilet, or leaving you in the woods to die, we take you, feed you from OUR OWN BODIES, nurture you and CIVILIZE YOU. And you males have the nerve to try to tell us we are not ‘suited’ to lead…that we are simply not ‘smart’ enough…are too ’emotional’, to lead.

Let me tell you something. if it weren’t for all that female emotion, and our ability to prioritize…our ability to muti-task and our willingness to sacrifice, NOT A ONE OF YOU WOULD MAKE IT TO THIS PLANET. and given how you tend to act, once you get here, y’all should be bowing down to US, thanking us for not ABORTING your asses, he moment we find out your male. (you know, the way y’all have convinced US to abort the millions of female babies that never make it to this planet because you ‘cherish’ us so much).

History has shown, that mens sweet sentiments about care taking and protecting as leader, do not stand up to the harsh realities of ‘submission’. On that, my dear sirs, you are an EPIC FAIL

So what do YOU think?

  • Is submission a concept that single Black women need to accept if they want to marry?
  • Are marriages in which the male leads and the wife submits happier and more longer-lasting than relationships of equality?
  • If you are submissive in your marriage, how does it work for you? In which areas do you submit the most?
  • If you had a submissive relationship in the past but no longer find value in it, please explain what happened and why you’ve changed.
  • Do you think men of other races/ethnicities focus on female submission as much or more than Black males, or is this “a black thang?”
  • What does female submission entail from your perspective (both males and females welcome to answer this question)

Listen in on the Date Smarter Not Harder Relationships Talk Show broadcast discussing female submission

Click graphic to be taken directly to the live show or to download the show podcast.

16 Votes


Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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