Why Men Hate Dating Single Mothers

. 03/13/2011 . 70 Comments

(7)  Your Sex Life is M.I.A.. Many men feel awkward about being seen the next morning getting out of “Mommy’s” bed. Single mothers can’t always spend the night away from their children, so there may be a problem finding time for intimate private time. I heard a story recently about a guy that would go through a big production worthy of an Oscar! He’d go about saying “goodnight” to the children and actually get into his car and drive off. He’d hang out at a corner coffee shop for about 30 minutes, then circle back around and come in after the children were in bed and asleep and get up and leave early in the morning, before the children woke up.  So his date’s children never, ever saw him in bed with or even suspected he was in bed with their Mom.

(8)  He’s Not Trying to Be a Captain. Money is usually tight for single Moms, and paying $30-50 per date for a babysitter is not something most can do every weekend. Should a single Mom ask her date to contribute to babysitting fees? Or is that something an understanding man would offer to do just because? Some men will offer, but others see babysitting as Mom’s expense. Additionally, dating a single Mom will usually mean the boyfriend will be called upon to help with sudden expenses and other bills involving the household and/or children. Some men consider this type of relationship to be a potential drain on their resources.

9)  Your Little Darlings Are Devils on Wheels. One of the top reasons men gave for not wanting to date single Moms involves his stance on discipline. “There is an apparent role reversal and the children tell the MOTHER what to do… these women have no controbratty spoiled children can ruin a potential romance for single   momsl over their children!” exclaimed Darius, a 35 year old high school math teacher. He says that if he doesn’t like how they are talking to her, he pulls her aside to see if she can correct the problem. Knowing “his place” most men, just like Darius, won’t say anything, but they are watching to see how you handle your children and inappropriate behavior. When Moms allow their children to run wild, talk back, or use foul language, Darius quickly moves on.

(10)  Mom Demonstrates Resentment Towards HIS Children Several men I spoke with have children from previous marriages or relationships themselves, and have close contact with their children, over and above that dictated by child custody and visitation orders. They all reported at one time or another dating a woman with children of her own that expressed resentment that they did more with and for their own children than they did with and for hers. These extremely family oriented and very loving men abandoned these budding relationships without looking back.

Get It Together!

A new romance is exciting and invigorating, and something each of us would love to experience. But you cannot ever forget that you still have children and that you need to be there for them 100%. A new man or woman is not going to magically fix what is wrong with your life. Relationships are not designed to be distractions from your responsibilities as a single parent. If your life is a big mess, get busy straightening things out!

Single mothers should set up schedules for everyone so that your children are provided with a sense of stability. Establish a discipline and rewards system so each child knows their responsibilities, the household rules, and what the repercussions are if either is ignored. Get yourself a job with a higher salary and hours that work better for your family’s schedule.

Get things running smoothly so that it is obvious to a new man coming into your life that you have things fully under control and are ready for his love.



Click to order your copy in paperbackFor more detailed information on how you can learn to recognize problem people in the dating pool before you get hurt, read my newest guide to better dating: “The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid!

Find it in paperback or “The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid!” on Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, and a wide variety of other downloadable EBook formats.



*This post was originally published on this site 7.10.2010

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Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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