Female Submission – Why Weak Men Want Submissive Women

. 10/05/2009 . 58 Comments

One of the male posters (N.C.) had a solid understanding of the issue and posted: “While a woman submissive (or possibly more accurately nurturing) to her husband and household can be a beautiful and wonderful thing under the right conditions, sadly, there are plenty of no good men willing to take advantage of this. Any relationship should be give and take, and a man should be willing to accommodate the wants and needs of the woman in his life as well as his own. Open communication and sometimes a little compromise go a long way toward maintaining a healthy and loving relationship. It simply cannot be a one way street.”

Only Controlling, Insecure Men Demand Female Submission

What I’ve noticed is that the men who demand a female subjugate herself to him unconditionally tend to be those that lack confidence, are unsure of their sexual prowess or physical attractiveness, or that feel they are lacking in some way and cannot compete in the dating arena. Their confidence is shored up by an adoring woman that hangs on their every word as if it were The Gospel.

Even when he admits to himself that he doesn’t know crap about what he is doing and would like to have help on a decision, he cannot ask his woman for assistance. He feels if he gets her input and she is actually right and he ends up doing what she says, it would break down the rigid role barriers he’s worked so hard to establish. So he and his entire family suffer for his lack of courage and dearth of knowledge as he hangs onto his role as uncontested “natural leader.”

However, as noted by the male poster N.C. above, a confident self-assured man does not want a woman to submit nor subjugate herself to him. The confident man embraces his woman as an equal partner. He is openly proud of her and acknowledges her skills and strengths as she acknowledges his. These two form a powerful, mutually enriching, mutually supportive team where the lead is taken by one then the other as their skills, education and experience dictate. Neither is relegated to a box based strictly on gender.

black women need love too, independent black women, strong, loving no need to be submissive

At some point men must make an effort to understand that having a penis gives them no special powers, no increased abilities, no more knowledge or experience, nothing more than women have. You are not more than a woman. You are not superior in any way. You are the opposite of women, but you are not better, you are not smarter, you are not faster at anything either. You are just a male. And that does not entitle you to any special privileges or rights or treatment just because you are.

In closing ladies, your power is not in submission; your power is in your resilient spirit, in your joyful heart, in your intelligence, and in your soul as a woman.

Your power is in your sense of accomplishment and the benefit you bring to your family, your community and the world. Women can heal broken hearts with a touch and a wounded soul with a soft word because women can FEEL the pain and confusion of others. Women also have an understanding of and connection with the Universe and everything in it — something men don’t understand and are truly afraid of.

Typically, when people don’t understand something they are afraid of it. Fearful people desire to eradicate that which they are most fearful of. 

Be alert for attempts to destroy your self-confidence and independent mind. Do not ever let a man convince you to submit to him because he demands it, or because he assumes it is his rightful position in your life. Surrendering your power and self to the control of men unconditionally will damage and possibly destroy the essence of your spirit, the very thing that makes you the strong, confident and wonderful woman that you are.

Until next time.

20 Votes


Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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