Why Women Should Stop Having Children

. 12/07/2009 . 34 Comments

It is my contention that every woman in the world of childbearing age should immediately get her tubes tied or get on birth control of the highest quality, and stay on it for the duration of her childbearing years.  Apparently, most men are not qualified mentally to handle the responsibility, obligations nor constraints associated with fatherhood, to have the emotional intelligence to understand the need to be kind and respectful to their children and the mothers of said children, nor do they possess the intelligence and financial acumen to understand the fiscal and emotional costs of raising a child to adulthood.

No, it appears that the majority of men in the world are too stupid to deserve to be fathers and therefore, this is a privilege that women should unilaterally deny them.

I am confident in my stance for many reasons that have become clear to me over the past year or so spent speaking with and analyzing men, their rigid thinking when it comes to gender roles in modern relationships, and their negative behaviors towards women and children. Let me give you some examples:

  1. Men rape females.  If no more females are born, they would be forced to rape each other instead.
  2. Men kill women and children. If no more females or children are born, they would be forced to kill only each other instead.
  3. Men sexually abuse children of both genders.  Children have value to the majority of these guys only as possessions – something they can play with and use for their own selfish gratification and means.  This is evidenced by the high number of child rapes, child molestation, children used for sexual activities in many Third World countries and even here in the United States, and the children held as sex slaves by freaks worldwide.
  4. Men have no respect for female children.  Impregnation by adult males of minor female children is tragic. I’ve observed older guys hanging out in their cars near high schools, attempting to “get at” the teen girls.  The recent rape of a 15 year old girl in Richmond California (which took place during a high school dance) involved as many as a dozen males, at least one of which is over the age of 21.  Even ministers, doctors, priests and men alleged to be “pillars of the community” view their children as property under their control, there for their use whenever they want, in whichever manner they please.no pregnancy, abortion, tubal ligation, why women should not have children, teen births, out of wedlock birth rates
  5. Men are controlling and vindictive creatures.  Rarely is their concern focused on their children’s needs after divorce. Instead, they rant and rave about having to give “that woman my money!” as if raising a child, providing medical treatment, clothing, shoes, tutors, haircuts, heat and electricity and water, prescription copayments or outright purchasing of antibiotics to fight the bronchitis or ear infection they came down with, day care so Mom can work, deodorant and toothbrushes, sanitary supplies and bras for girls, jock straps and football uniforms for boys, computer software, books, the sheets on their bed, soap and deodorant, school project supplies, eye exams and glasses, dental x-rays, food, fees for field trips, and pens and paper for homework were free and drop from the sky.
  6. Men don’t appreciate the value of a family and feel that having one is their right, no matter how little respect or care is shown to said family.  That is why these guys lie and cheat and beat on women they claim to love. That is why they call you and their own children horrible, degrading, insulting, self-esteem crushing names.  That is why they tease and taunt and disappoint and make their women and children cry, then berate them for being human and expressing emotions which apparently their own father doesn’t have.  Why they are surprised and claim they had no idea anything was wrong when their wife becomes one of the 75% of women that files for divorce is laughable.

Sadly, women have the idea (which they were given by men), that being married and having his children is some great accomplishment and a “natural desire” that women have. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Women are SOCIALIZED to want children almost from birth, as girls are given baby dolls instead of a microscope, a toy stove and an apron instead of a telescope or a hammer, and taught by the females in her life how to rock, clothe, cuddle and “feed” dolls while she is brainwashed with “one day you will have children of your own.”

What a load of bullshit!

No one tells you about the pain, the prolapsed uterus, the vaginal tears, the health risks, nor the overwhelming feeling of responsibility and obligation that comes with being a mother.  No one tells you about how sad and lonely you will feel at home alone while some man is happy that you are a stay at home Mom though you want to scream because you never wanted to stay at home for years after having children.

No one tells you that your husband will view household maintenance and meal preparation as your sole responsibility.  No one tells you that his involvement in the family will be to play with the children (IF THAT) while you are assigned all the work of actually raising the children.  No one tells you that most married women have little to no more support with their children than does a single Mom, parenting  her baby alone.

No one tells you how you will feel angry that you have stretch marks, sagging breasts, and a body that is changed forever.  No one shares that you will have primary responsibility for caretaking 24/7/365 while the child’s father picks and chooses what he will do and when – if anything at all for the baby he wanted so badly. No one tells women that they will end up confused and enraged and at least a little bit depressed when they have children and realize how much of a trick society has played on women and that you were bamboozled and swindled out of your life, convinced that giving it over to the happiness of a man and his offspring is your duty as a woman.

child sexual abuse, child abuse, prevent child abuse, protecting children from abuseNo one tells you that men will use your child as a tool to threaten, control and hurt you for 18 or more years whether you are with him or not. No one tells you that you better watch your children like a hawk and never leave them alone with their father, their stepfather, their grandfather or uncles, or even a neighbor’s husband because men have no respect for children and will sexually abuse and molest them at will and apparently, with legal impunity.

No one tells you that you have to sleep at night with one ear and one eye open to see if your man is sneaking into your child’s room at night doing things he has no business doing to your baby.  No one tells you that your child, now sullen angry and failing in school has probably been molested by some man somewhere.

No one tells you that your teen daughter, suddenly wildly rebellious and strangely promiscuous is demonstrating emotional pain and a startling lack of self esteem from being subjected to repeated sexual, mental, emotional or physical trauma and/or abuse. No one tells you that your child is afraid to tell you what has been going on, because your baby has been threatened and cajoled and coerced into doing something that the adult male s/he trusts has convinced them is the right thing to do to protect you and to preserve the family.

No one tells you about the high rates of domestic violence, spousal murders, and murder-suicides by men enraged that a woman had the nerve to leave his silly behind. So furious is he that she has broken free of his grip, the ultimate payback for him is to kill not only her, but her children too.  Familicide is largely the domain of educated, mature White males though.

A study, whose results were posted on PubMed is quoted as saying

“Familicide perpetrators are more likely than filicide (child homicide) perpetrators to be male, to be older, to be more educated and to commit the offence with physical violence. They are more likely than uxoricide (intimate partner homicide) perpetrators to be married, less likely to have committed a previous violent offence but more likely to suffer from a personality disorder and more likely to attempt suicide following the homicide. The finding that a large majority of the perpetrators… killed when faced with divorce and/or custody over the child(ren) may suggest that increased monitoring of this group might have preventative value.”

No one tells you that you better take off those rose-colored glasses and stop looking at men as romantic knights in shining armor and instead see them as the confused, weak, frightened, bitter and angry control freaks that they are. No one tells young women to consider the family history, behavior and genetics connected with the man they are dating before they have sex with him, and definitely before moving in, marrying or having children with him.

More females need to realize that The Stupid Muthafucka Gene has been proven (by me) to definitely exist, and it is being passed from generation to generation, at this point residing in an estimated 90% of the male population.

No one tells women all this.  Except me, that is.

Instead of promoting motherhood, women need to start telling their daughters “don’t have shit for a man. If he wants a damn baby, let him figure out how to have it by himself. Let him get pregnant, have it, raise it and pay for it and worry about it all by himself since he thinks its so easy and doesn’t cost anything. Let him do it alllllllll on his own. You my daughter, you go to school and make something of yourself. Travel the world and see the greatness of other cultures. Dance and sing and laugh and make love with whomever strikes your fancy. Make YOURSELF happy and forget burdening yourself with some asshole’s child!

If you start thinking that you want a baby, get a dog instead.  See how much money and time and energy you spend on it.  Having a dog will give you at least a little bit of an idea of what it is like to be a single parent, though dogs don’t have to be squired around to sleepovers and soccer games, helped with homework, nor taught to read and write or tie their shoes.

And should you decide that you truly DO want a child of your own, go to a sperm bank so the sperm donor never even knows you.  That way you will alleviate at least 75% of the problems you would have with a husband or boyfriend that fathered your child.

If you decide you never want a child, be sure you get your tubes tied, cut and fried and forget men and what they want to do with your womb. It’s yours and you control it and what comes forth from it. Remember that anything you have that has been placed in your body by a man will be thought to be his. And in that way, you are placing yourself at his mercy.

Women need to realize that the power they have is in their fertility. That is why so many men in power are fighting against legalized abortion and readily available birth control for women. Yet men complain about women receiving assistance from the government or child support to help financially support the children that women would be forced to birth. Does it make sense to try to force women to have babies, then turn around and fight against any program which would these mothers with child care so she can get out and work and make a living for herself and support her child? This yo-yo, ping-pong control freak behavior that makes women damned if they do and damned if they don’t would be funny if it didn’t enrage me instead.

Men are focused on what goes on between women’s legs and the power women have over them. That is why men in their 70s, long past the age when they should be trying to even have sex, are focused on getting that wrinkly flaccid dick up with little blue pills. Amazingly, many health care companies refused to pay for the birth control pills women needed to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but they all happily agreed to reimburse men for sex related little blue pills that would get women pregnant.

That’s probably because health care companies are run by other old men worrying about their flaccid dicks too.

When you understand that men want to control the female body and what comes out of it and what women do with their womb and vagina, this stuff will all make sense.

Whether with courts, religion, guns, fists or gender slurs, the end result is that men want to control what women do, when women do it, how women do it, and with whom. They will use any child you have with them as a tool to get to you too, to frighten you, to make you malleable, and to make you give in to his demands.

My lobby against women having children has begun in earnest.  You ladies limit your options when you are saddled down with some knucklehead’s child. You give him power over you to drag you into court, something to threaten to take from you, something he can hurt in a twisted attempt to hurt you.

When you have children and are raising them alone, you will end up broke and tied down.  You cannot go out and have fun anymore because you have an overwhelming number of responsibilities. You end up frustrated, exhausted, and viewed by other men as being unworthy of being anything more than a roll in the hay because now you are “used goods.”

There is no reason for a single woman to EVER have a child by a man she is not married to.  And there are FEW reasons I can think of for married women to have children, even by men they call husbands.

Women should stop having children. Period.

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Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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